The function of this repo is to make a fresh Linux install set up zsh, oh-my-zsh, along with my personal favorite theme (Agnoster) and plugins (zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions) while also installing all requisite packages.
CAUTION: Zsh-installer requires the fonts-powerline package, which usually requires EPEL repos to be installed on Red Hat distros in order to work.
CAUTION: Ansible 3.X is required at this time. NOTE: zsh-installer will autodetect distribution and download the respective packages based on the packages listed in dependencies/{apt/dnf/yum}dependencies.txt NOTE: zsh-installer requires a sudo password twice, once to install package dependencies and once to "become" the super user for ansible execution.To install, clone this repo to your user's home directory by running git clone
from your linux command line. the cd into the directory with cd zsh-installer
and then run the script by inputting bash
Currently zsh-installer works on:
- Any debian based distro that has Ansible 3.X in its repo.
- Any red-hat based distro that has the fonts-powerline package in its repo. For Red Hat proper this means enabling the EPEL repos.
- Ansible 2.9 can cause the Ansible Playbooks to fail.
- There is no check for package availability, which will cause Red Hat distros without EPEL enabled to fail. This will be corrected in the future to throw an error.
- With the Agnoster theme (which is the theme installed by zsh-installer)
- oh-my-zsh! "In this repo you can find all the built-in plugins and themes"
- Oh-My-Zsh! A Work of CLI Magic Tutorial for Ubuntu by Michiel Mulders
- oh-my-zsh! themes screenshots