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comfystream is a package for running img2img Comfy workflows on video streams.

This repo also includes a WebRTC server and UI that uses comfystream to support streaming from a webcam and processing the stream with a workflow JSON file (API format) created in ComfyUI. If you have an existing ComfyUI installation, the same custom nodes used to create the workflow in ComfyUI will be re-used when processing the video stream.

Quick Start

Docker DevContainer

Refer to .devcontainer/ to setup ComfyStream in a devcontainer using a pre-configured ComfyUI docker environment.

For other installation options, refer to Install ComfyUI and ComfyStream in the Livepeer pipelines documentation.

For additional information, refer to the remaining sections below.

Docker Image

You can quickly deploy ComfyStream using the docker image livepeer/comfystream

Refer to the documentation at for instructions to run locally or on a remote server.


The RunPod template livepeer-comfystream can be used to deploy to RunPod.


We also have a python script that can be used to spin up a ComfyStream instance on a Tensordock server. Refer to scripts/ for instructions.

Other Cloud Providers

We also provide an Ansible playbook for deploying ComfyStream on any cloud provider. Refer to scripts/ for instructions.

Download Models

Refer to scripts/ for instructions to download commonly used models.

Install package


A separate environment can be used to avoid any dependency issues with an existing ComfyUI installation.

Create the environment:

conda create -n comfystream python=3.11

Activate the environment:

conda activate comfystream

Make sure you have PyTorch installed.

Install comfystream:

pip install git+

# This can be used to install from a local repo
# pip install .
# This can be used to install from a local repo in edit mode
# pip install -e .

Custom Nodes

Comfystream uses a few auxiliary custom nodes to support running workflows.

Note: If you are using comfystream as a custom node in ComfyUI, you can skip the following steps.

If you are using comfystream as a standalone application, copy the auxiliary custom nodes into the custom_nodes folder of your ComfyUI workspace:

cp -r nodes/* custom_nodes/

For example, if your ComfyUI workspace is under /home/user/ComfyUI:

cp -r nodes/* /home/user/ComfyUI/custom_nodes



Run tests

Install dev dependencies:

pip install .[dev]

Run tests:


Run server

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have existing custom nodes in your ComfyUI workspace, you will need to install their requirements in your current environment:

python --workspace <COMFY_WORKSPACE>

Run the server:

python server/ --workspace <COMFY_WORKSPACE>

Show additional options for configuring the server:

python server/ -h

Remote Setup

A local server should connect with a local UI out-of-the-box. It is also possible to run a local UI and connect with a remote server, but there may be additional dependencies.

In order for the remote server to connect with another peer (i.e. a browser) without any additional dependencies you will need to allow inbound/outbound UDP traffic on ports 1024-65535 (source).

If you only have a subset of those UDP ports available, you can use the --media-ports flag to specify a comma delimited list of ports to use:

python server/ --workspace <COMFY_WORKSPACE> --media-ports 1024,1025,...

If you are running the server in a restrictive network environment where this is not possible, you will need to use a TURN server.

At the moment, the server supports using Twilio's TURN servers (although it is easy to make the update to support arbitrary TURN servers):

  1. Sign up for a Twilio account.
  2. Copy the Account SID and Auth Token from
  3. Set the TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables.

Run UI


Install dependencies

cd ui
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm install --save-dev cross-env

Run local dev server:

npm run dev

By default the app will be available at http://localhost:3000.

The Stream URL is the URL of the server which defaults to


To run the UI on HTTPS (necessary for webcam functionality), use npm run dev:https. You'll need to accept the self-signed certificate in your browser.


At the moment, a workflow must fufill the following requirements:

  • The workflow must have a single primary input node that will receive individual video frames
    • The primary input node is designed by one of the following:
      • A single PrimaryInputLoadImage node (see this workflow for example usage)
        • This node can be used as a drop-in replacement for a LoadImage node
        • In this scenario, any number of additional LoadImage nodes can be used
      • A single LoadImage node
        • In this scenario, the workflow can only contain the single LoadImage node
    • At runtime, this node is replaced with a LoadTensor node
  • The workflow must have a single output using a PreviewImage or SaveImage node
    • At runtime, this node is replaced with a SaveTensor node


This project has been tested locally successfully with the following setup:

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • GPU: Nvidia RTX 4090
  • Driver: 550.127.05
  • CUDA: 12.5
  • torch: 2.5.1+cu121