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Leverage WorldQuant API to generate alpha signals, and mine promising alpha expressions.

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WorldQuant Alpha Generator

This project is a collection of scripts that generate, polish, test, and submit alphas to the WorldQuant platform.

 __      __            .__       .___                          __            .__                     
/  \    /  \___________|  |    __| _/________ _______    _____/  |_    _____ |__| ____   ___________ 
\   \/\/   /  _ \_  __ \  |   / __ |/ ____/  |  \__  \  /    \   __\  /     \|  |/    \_/ __ \_  __ \
 \        (  <_> )  | \/  |__/ /_/ < <_|  |  |  // __ \|   |  \  |   |  Y Y  \  |   |  \  ___/|  | \/
  \__/\  / \____/|__|  |____/\____ |\__   |____/(____  /___|  /__|   |__|_|  /__|___|  /\___  >__|   
       \/                         \/   |__|          \/     \/             \/        \/     \/       

Project Architecture

The WorldQuant Alpha Generator is designed with a multi-phase approach to alpha generation, testing, and submission. The architecture is structured into two main components:

1. Pre-Consultant Phase

In the pre-consultant phase, the tools focus on single alpha generation, polishing, and evaluation. Key characteristics:

  • Single alpha simulation at a time
  • Initial exploration and testing
  • Manual refinement of alphas
  • Basic analysis and submission

2. Consultant Phase

The consultant phase enables more advanced workflows:

  • Multiple simultaneous alpha simulations
  • Automated batch processing
  • More sophisticated analysis
  • Production-ready alpha management

This two-phase approach allows users to progressively move from exploration to production.

Architecture Diagram

|                USER INTERFACE             |
|            AUTHENTICATION LAYER           |
|        (WorldQuant & MoonshotAI)          |
+---------------------+   +-------------------+
|                     |   |                   |
|  PRE-CONSULTANT     |   |  CONSULTANT       |
|  PHASE              |   |  PHASE            |
|                     |   |                   |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
| | Alpha         |   |   | | Machine       | |
| | Generator     |<--|-->| | Miner         | |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
|        |            |   |        |          |
|        v            |   |        v          |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
| | Alpha         |   |   | | Batch         | |
| | Polisher      |   |   | | Processing    | |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
|        |            |   |        |          |
|        v            |   |        v          |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
| | Expression    |   |   | | Advanced      | |
| | Miner         |   |   | | Analytics     | |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
|        |            |   |        |          |
|        v            |   |        v          |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
| | Submission    |   |   | | Portfolio     | |
| | Handler       |-->|-->| | Optimization  | |
| +---------------+   |   | +---------------+ |
|                     |   |                   |
+---------------------+   +-------------------+
|                 WORLDQUANT                |
|             BRAIN PLATFORM API            |

Usage Flow Diagram

| Authentication     |
| (credentials.txt)  |
+--------------------+     +--------------------+
| Choose Tool:       |---->| Alpha Generator    |
|                    |     | (Create new alpha) |
| * Alpha Generator  |     +--------------------+
| * Alpha Polisher   |            |
| * Expression Miner |            v
| * Alpha Submitter  |     +--------------------+
+--------------------+     | Simulation         |
  |                        +--------------------+
  |                              |
  v                              v
+--------------------+     +--------------------+
| Alpha Polisher     |     | Analysis           |
| (Refine existing   |     | (Evaluate metrics) |
|  alpha)            |     +--------------------+
+--------------------+           |
  |                              |
  v                              v
+--------------------+     +--------------------+
| Custom Requirements|---->| Good Performance?  |
| (IR, Turnover...)  |     | (Yes/No)           |
+--------------------+     +--------------------+
                             |            |
                             | Yes        | No
                             v            v
                      +-------------+ +-------------+
                      | Submit      | | Further     |
                      | Alpha       | | Refinement  |
                      +-------------+ +-------------+
                             |            |
                             v            |
                      +-------------+     |
                      | Track       |<----+
                      | Results     |

Directory Structure

├── python/
│   ├── pre_consultant/            # Tools for initial alpha development
│   │   ├──     # Generate alphas with guided approach
│   │   ├──      # Polish existing alphas with AI
│   │   ├── # Mine for potential alpha expressions
│   │   ├──   # Test alphas against standard algorithms
│   │   ├── # Submit validated alphas
│   │   ├── # Find promising alpha patterns
│   │   └──       # Maintain log files
│   │
│   ├── pre_consultant_non_ai/     # Non-AI versions of tools
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   └── consultant/                # Advanced tooling for production
│       ├──       # Advanced batch alpha generation
│       └── ...
├── rust/                          # High-performance Rust implementation
│   └── ...
└──                      # Project documentation


  • AI-Powered Alpha Generation: Leverages MoonshotAI for intelligent alpha creation and refinement
  • Expression Mining: Discovers potential alpha expressions
  • Alpha Polishing: Refines alphas for improved performance
  • Batch Simulation: Tests multiple alphas in parallel (consultant phase)
  • Performance Analysis: Evaluates alpha quality across multiple metrics
  • Automated Submission: Streamlines the process of submitting alphas to WorldQuant Brain

Usage Guide

Pre-Consultant Phase Tools

Alpha Generator

Creates new alpha expressions with guided AI and simulates them:

python --credentials path/to/credentials.txt --moonshot-key your_moonshot_api_key

Alpha Polisher

Refines existing alpha expressions and tests them against benchmarks:

python --credentials path/to/credentials.txt --moonshot-key your_moonshot_api_key

The polisher allows you to input your own expression and provide specific requirements for improvement, such as:

  • Improving Information Ratio (IR)
  • Reducing turnover
  • Enhancing market neutrality
  • Adding technical indicators

Alpha Expression Miner

Searches for alpha expressions based on input parameters:

python --expression "your_base_expression" --credentials path/to/credentials.txt

This tool explores variations of a base expression to find promising candidates.

Clean Up Logs

Manages log files to prevent disk space issues:


This utility helps maintain system efficiency by cleaning up old or oversized log files.

Successful Alpha Submitter

Submits validated alphas to the WorldQuant platform:

python --credentials path/to/credentials.txt

This tool handles the submission process, including formatting and verification.

Consultant Phase Tools

Machine Miner

Advanced batch alpha generation and testing:

python --credentials path/to/credentials.txt --moonshot-key your_moonshot_api_key

Why MoonshotAI?

This project uses MoonshotAI instead of alternatives like ChatGPT for several reasons:

  1. Accessibility in China: Due to the Great Firewall (GFW), many users in China have limited access to other AI services
  2. Specialized Knowledge: MoonshotAI has been fine-tuned for financial applications
  3. Performance: Offers strong capabilities for alpha expression generation and analysis

For users outside China, the code can be adapted to use alternative AI services.

Core Code Walkthrough

Alpha Generation Process

The alpha generation process follows this general flow:

  1. Authentication: Connect to WorldQuant Brain API

    def setup_auth(self, credentials_path: str) -> None:
        with open(credentials_path) as f:
            credentials = json.load(f)
        username, password = credentials
        self.sess.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
        response ='')
  2. Operator Fetching: Retrieve available operators

    def fetch_operators(self) -> Dict:
        response = self.sess.get('')
        return response.json()
  3. Expression Generation/Polishing: Create or refine alpha expressions

    # Example from
    def polish_expression(self, expression: str, user_requirements: str = "") -> Dict:
        # AI request to polish the expression based on requirements
        # Returns improved expression
  4. Simulation: Test the alpha expression

    def simulate_alpha(self, expression: str) -> Dict:
        # Submit simulation request with appropriate parameters
        # Wait for completion
        # Retrieve and return results
  5. Analysis: Evaluate performance metrics

    # Performance analysis of IR, turnover, drawdown, etc.
  6. Submission: Submit promising alphas

    # Validate and submit to WorldQuant

Simulation Configuration

The simulation configuration is critical to accurate testing:

data = {
    'type': 'REGULAR',
    'settings': {
        'instrumentType': 'EQUITY',
        'region': 'USA',
        'universe': 'TOP3000',
        'delay': 1,
        'decay': 0,
        'neutralization': 'INDUSTRY',
        'truncation': 0.08,
        'pasteurization': 'ON',
        'unitHandling': 'VERIFY',
        'nanHandling': 'OFF',
        'language': 'FASTEXPR',
        'visualization': False,
    'regular': expression

Customizing the Project

Adding New Operators

To add support for new operators:

  1. Update the operator documentation in relevant code files
  2. Add validation for the new operators
  3. Include examples in the polishing prompts

Supporting New Regions or Universes

Modify the simulation settings in simulate_alpha method:

data = {
    'type': 'REGULAR',
    'settings': {
        # Modify these parameters
        'region': 'YOUR_REGION',  # e.g., 'JAPAN', 'EUROPE'
        'universe': 'YOUR_UNIVERSE',  # e.g., 'TOP1000', 'TOP5000'
        # Other settings...

Changing AI Provider

To use a different AI provider:

  1. Update the API endpoints in analyze_alpha and polish_expression methods
  2. Modify the request format to match the new provider's API
  3. Update authentication as needed


We welcome contributions from the community! Here's how you can help:

Code Contributions

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/improvement)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Run tests to ensure nothing is broken
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/improvement)
  7. Create a Pull Request

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

  • Use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs
  • Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce
  • Make feature requests through GitHub issues
  • Tag issues appropriately


  • Help improve documentation
  • Add code comments where needed
  • Update the README with new features
  • Write tutorials and examples


  • Follow existing code style and conventions
  • Write clear commit messages
  • Add tests for new features
  • Update documentation for changes
  • Be respectful to other contributors

Getting Help

  • Join our community chat
  • Ask questions in GitHub issues
  • Read existing documentation
  • Check closed issues for solutions

We appreciate all contributions that help make this project better!


  • Intelligently adjust experiement parameters after promising alpha is found
    • For example, adjust truncation, pasteurization, decay, etc.
  • For non-ai single simulate for pre-consultant phase, remove not-permitted operators
  • Add financial research pdf alpha expression generator
  • Add GUI for non-technical users
  • Add more templates
  • Add template miner


Leverage WorldQuant API to generate alpha signals, and mine promising alpha expressions.






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