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Releases: JuliaHEP/JetReconstruction.jl


27 Mar 16:53
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JetReconstruction v0.4.6

Diff since v0.4.5

Add utilities to retrieve kt_scale and pt_fraction and convert to LorentzVector struts
Support input files compressed with Zstd
Documentation improvements and fixes

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Support zstd compression (#131)
  • Helper functions for momentum fraction and kt scale in the public API (#133)


28 Feb 13:16
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JetReconstruction v0.4.5

Diff since v0.4.4

Fix bug in the jet_reconstruct() interface where power could be set wrongly
Refactor unittests

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Unspecified power default value is wrong in jet_reconstruct - breaks CA and Kt reco (#126)
  • Complete refactoring of tests into subtests (#127)


07 Feb 17:30
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JetReconstruction v0.4.4

Diff since v0.4.3

Add substructure codes for mass drop and soft drop.
Add jet filtering and trimming codes.
Add methods to retrieve jet constituents, constituent indexes and parents.
Fix exclusive_jets to be usable with GenKt and EEKt for p>=0.
Update testing environment to use TestEnv.jl to track test dependencies.
Add Aqua.jl tests.
Restructure examples to isolate dependencies.
Restructure and improve code flow logic in instrumented_jetreco.jl, fixing "warm up" logic.
Add small test run codes for each example directory and run "standard" benchmarks.
Use AllContributors bot to track contributions.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Support retrieval of jet constituents (#68)
  • Fix documentation versions (#78)
  • Refactor examples into subdirectories (#94)
  • Test examples in CI (#95)
  • Merging tree from a final jet (#99)
  • Public function to retrieve jet's parents (#100)
  • Warm up for instrumented jet reco isn't warm enough... (#101)
  • Add AllContributors (#104)


23 Oct 08:43
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3


08 Oct 16:45
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JetReconstruction v0.4.2

Diff since v0.4.1

Support for EMD4hep inputs, where ReconstuctedParticles can be passed directly to the reconstruction algorithms.
Examples for using EMD4hep inputs.

Internally, use better types for jet objects (Real) and initial cluster collection (AbstractArray{T, 1}).

Reorganised documentation to be more streamlined, with auxiliary pages for less critical points. Switch back to plain old Documenter.jl outputs to more easily preview and develop docs.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Support EDM4hep reconstructed particles as input (#79)


24 Sep 19:29
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JetReconstruction v0.4.1

Diff since v0.4.0

Optimised implementation for e+e- algorithms (Durham and EEKt), using Structure of Arrays to hold all necessary reconstruction variables in compact arrays.

Merged pull requests:


16 Sep 14:03
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JetReconstruction v0.4.0

Diff since v0.3.2

Add Durham and generalised k_T for e+e- algorithms (Durham, EEKt).

Prefer specification of the algorithm directly now in the interfaces.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Add support for Generalised k_T in reconstruction interfaces (#49)
  • Add generalised kt algorithm for e+e- (#50)
  • Add kt algorithm for e+e− (#51)


06 Jul 10:42
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JetReconstruction v0.3.2

Diff since v0.3.1

Added animation method (animatereco) that produces a video file for visualising jet reconstruction process.
Improved documentation, of all public and internal APIs (using autodocs macro)
Add package logo, three jets with the primary Julia colour triplet

jet_ranks utility function that returns a ranking of initial jets according to some value, by default p_T, used to assign stable values to subsequently reconstructed jets based on their constituents, e.g., for mapping to colours for plotting.
reco_state method to retrieve the intermediate state of a reconstruction (using JetWithAncestors struct)
merge_steps method to count the number of meaningful iterations in the reconstruction process (used to get the number of animation steps)

Merged pull requests:


20 Jun 14:07
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JetReconstruction v0.3.1

Diff since v0.3.0

Add transparent reading of gzip compressed inputs.
Fixed input files for examples.
Added interactive Pluto visualisation example.

Merged pull requests:

  • Add compressed file reading support and fix examples (new Pluto example) (#64) (@graeme-a-stewart)

Closed issues:

  • Use GLMakie for on-screen example plots (#61)
  • Examples are broken (#63)


17 Jun 12:40
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JetReconstruction v0.3.0

First registration of the JetReconstruction package, implementing k_T clustering
algorithms used in high-energy physics.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Use FastJet.jl for comparison later (#1)
  • Use Makie for 3D barplot (#3)
  • use existing Lorentz Vector package (#5)
  • Loop optimisation (#6)
  • Optimisation needed (#15)
  • Move project to JuliaHEP organization? (#20)
  • Define public interface (#23)
  • HepMC3 Reader Status (#24)
  • License Matters (#25)
  • Improve tests (#26)
  • Nicer strategy switching (#27)
  • Defaut strategy (#28)
  • Return consistent sequence types (#29)
  • Remove internal data from PseudoJet (#30)
  • Return type should be a ClusterSequence (#36)
  • Remove tiling parameter from current ClusterSequence (#37)
  • Write proper documentation (#40)
  • Implement exclusive jet methods (#41)
  • Simpler examples (#42)
  • Plotting support (#43)
  • More regular code formatting (#54)