JetReconstruction v0.4.4
Add substructure codes for mass drop and soft drop.
Add jet filtering and trimming codes.
Add methods to retrieve jet constituents, constituent indexes and parents.
Fix exclusive_jets
to be usable with GenKt and EEKt for p>=0.
Update testing environment to use TestEnv.jl
to track test dependencies.
Add Aqua.jl
Restructure examples to isolate dependencies.
Restructure and improve code flow logic in instrumented_jetreco.jl
, fixing "warm up" logic.
Add small test run codes for each example directory and run "standard" benchmarks.
Use AllContributors bot to track contributions.
Merged pull requests:
- fix typos in comments and docstrings (#85) (@m-fila)
- Add dependabot configuration for CI and update CI actions (#86) (@m-fila)
- Implementation of substructure modules (#87) (@sattwamo)
- Fix more typos (#89) (@m-fila)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#90) (@dependabot[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for StructArrays to 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#96) (@github-actions[bot])
- Improved constituents (#98) (@graeme-a-stewart)
- Improved examples (#102) (@graeme-a-stewart)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Makie in [weakdeps] to 0.22, (keep existing compat) (#103) (@github-actions[bot])
- docs: add graeme-a-stewart as a contributor for infra, test, and 4 more (#106) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add grasph as a contributor for test, doc, and 2 more (#107) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add gojakuch as a contributor for test, doc, and 2 more (#108) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add sattwamo as a contributor for test, doc, and 2 more (#109) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add Moelf as a contributor for doc (#110) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add hegner as a contributor for doc (#111) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add m-fila as a contributor for doc (#112) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Update README in light of AllContributors (#113) (@graeme-a-stewart)
- Add Aqua.jl tests (#114) (@graeme-a-stewart)
- Activate the test env with TestEnv.jl (#115) (@m-fila)
- docs: add m-fila as a contributor for infra, and test (#116) (@allcontributors[bot])
- allow exclusive and inclusive jets to return jet type used in clusterseq (#118) (@m-fila)
- fix GenKt not recognized as pp algorithm (#119) (@m-fila)
- Add jet parents retrieval (#121) (@graeme-a-stewart)
Closed issues:
- Support retrieval of jet constituents (#68)
- Fix documentation versions (#78)
- Refactor examples into subdirectories (#94)
- Test examples in CI (#95)
- Merging tree from a final jet (#99)
- Public function to retrieve jet's parents (#100)
- Warm up for instrumented jet reco isn't warm enough... (#101)
- Add AllContributors (#104)