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Pitney Bowes

Pitney Bowes Location Intelligence API


Location Intelligence APIs help you to Incorporate Pitney Bowes extensive geodata into everyday applications, business processes, and workflows. Use our SDKs to get started quickly and easily integrate API calls in your applications.

Location Intelligence APIs:

  • GeoEnrich : Returns addresses, place names, points-of-interest and timezones with the input of a location coordinate. Useful for enhancing & enriching your geo-tagged data.

  • GeoLife : Add local demographics and lifestyle segmentation to your people profiles. GeoLife returns household demographics and lifestyle characteristics with the input of Location Coordinates or Addresses. Know more about Who with Where!

  • GeoSearch: Returns an autocompleted list of addresses and places based on the input of a partial address. Useful for commercial developers and content providers, or anyone wanting to offer their own search.

  • GeoComm: Identifies Local Exchange Carrier presence with a Rate Center area. The GeoComm API retrieves Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) doing-business-as names with the input of an address. Useful for local telecommunications competitive intelligence, partnerships, and provisioning subscribers.

  • Geo911: Integrates Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) administrative call routing information plus Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) phone numbers into your 911 products and services. The Geo911 API retrieves 10-digit phone numbers and local contact info with the input of a location coordinate. Useful for emergency services administrators, call handlers, and dispatchers.

  • GeoTax: Returns local tax rates with the input of a location coordinate or an address. Critical for any billing, commerce, payment, or payroll application or service.

  • GeoCode: Converts addresses to location coordinates and vice versa. The GeoCode API returns latitude & longitude coordinates with the input of an address and vice versa. Useful for enhancing & enriching your customer addresses.

  • GeoMap: Adds data and more atop Maps. Choose from three map styles - Iron, Bronze, and Steel.

  • GeoZone: The GeoZone API returns geographic zones by Radius, Drive Distance, Drive Time, and highly localized geofence zones with the input of Location Coordinates or Addresses. Useful for anyone wanting to create smarter geofence zones for Local Engagement and Analysis.

  • GeoRoute: Returns Point-to-Point and Multi-Point Travel Directions by Various Travel Modes. Critical for any Simple or Complex Routing Requirement.

  • GeoRisk: Returns critical risk intelligence with the input of Location Coordinates or Addresses. Critical for any Risk Mitigation Analyses involving threats to lives or property.

  • GeoProperty:: Integrate extensive residential & commercial property and school information into your applications. The GeoProperty API returns property parcel boundaries and hundreds of property attributes for millions of US properties with the input of Location Coordinates or Addresses. It also includes methods for retrieving school data, including education levels, types, and more. Useful for Real Estate use cases or those involving risk assessments.

  • GeoComm: Identifies Local Exchange Carrier presence with a Rate Center area. The GeoComm API retrieves Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) doing-business-as names with the input of an address. Useful for local telecommunications competitive intelligence, partnerships, and provisioning subscribers.

  • GeoTime: Local time. The GeoTime API returns timezones and UTC offsets with the input of a location coordinate or address. Useful for do-not-call, logistics, and customer engagement applications, business processes and workflows.

  • GeoLocation: Device Location. The GeoLocation API returns location coordinates based on the input of an IP Address, WiFi Access point MAC address, Fixed line phone number and/or Wireless phone number. Useful for a variety of applications, business processes and workflows in eCommerce, Fraud Detection, Physical-Digital interactions, Field Service and more.

  • GeoPost: Accurate Postal Routing. The GeoPost API accepts an address or multiple addresses as inputs and returns US postal routing information including residential, commercial or PO Box delivery destinations. Critical for any direct mail marketing campaign.

  • GeoIdentity: Powerful, local socio-economic & affinity insights about your customer. Enrich shipping addresses with rich, localized Identity profiles, demographics, lifestyle segmentations, neighborhood names, property ownership & values, and social affinity insights. The GeoIdentity API returns all these data with the input of a Physical Address, Email Address, or Twitter handle. Useful for enhancing & enriching a wide variety of applications, business processes, or workflows.

  • GeoStreets: Enrich your applications, business processes, and workflows with global street information including nearest intersections and more. GeoStreets accepts an address or location and returns nearest intersection information. Useful for enriching your data and/or analytics processes with footfall potential.

The following platforms are supported by Location Intelligence SDKs:

Click here for detailed Documentation on Location Intelligence APIs



Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn deploy

Refer to the official documentation for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "io.swagger:LocationIntelligenceJavaSDK:8.5.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/LocationIntelligenceJavaSDK-8.5.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import pb.*;
import pb.auth.*;
import pb.model.*;
import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi;

import java.util.*;

public class LIAPIGeo911ServiceApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth2Password
        OAuth oAuth2Password = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oAuth2Password");
        oAuth2Password.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        oAuth2Password.setSecret("YOUR SECRET"); 

        LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi();
        String address = "address_example"; // String | The address to be searched.
        try {
            AHJPlusPSAPResponse result = apiInstance.getAHJPlusPSAPByAddress(address);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi#getAHJPlusPSAPByAddress");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi getAHJPlusPSAPByAddress GET /geo911/v1/ahj-psap/byaddress AHJ & PSAP By Address.
LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi getAHJPlusPSAPByLocation GET /geo911/v1/ahj-psap/bylocation AHJ & PSAP By Location
LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi getPSAPByAddress GET /geo911/v1/psap/byaddress PSAP By Address.
LIAPIGeo911ServiceApi getPSAPByLocation GET /geo911/v1/psap/bylocation PSAP By Location.
LIAPIGeoCommServiceApi getRateCenterByAddress GET /geocomm/v1/ratecenter/byaddress Rate Center By Address.
LIAPIGeoCommServiceApi getRateCenterByLocation GET /geocomm/v1/ratecenter/bylocation Rate Center By Location.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getCategoryCodeMetadata GET /geoenrich/v1/metadata/category Returns Category Codes with their sub-categories (if exist), descriptions and SIC Codes mapping
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIById GET /geoenrich/v1/poi/{id} Point of Interest By Id.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIsByAddress GET /geoenrich/v1/poi/byaddress Points of Interest By Address.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIsByArea GET /geoenrich/v1/poi/byarea Points of Interest By Area.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIsByGeometry POST /geoenrich/v1/poi/byboundary Point of Interests By Geometry.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIsByLocation GET /geoenrich/v1/poi/bylocation Points of Interest By Location.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPOIsCount POST /geoenrich/v1/poicount Point of Interests count By Geometry.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getPlaceByLocation GET /geoenrich/v1/place/bylocation Place By Location.
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi getSICMetadata GET /geoenrich/v1/metadata/sic Returns SIC Codes with their Industry Titles and Category Codes mapping
LIAPIGeoEnrichServiceApi poisAutocomplete GET /geoenrich/v1/poi/autocomplete Points of Interest Autocomplete.
LIAPIGeoIdentityServiceApi getIdentityByAddress GET /geoidentity/v1/identity/byaddress Gets GeoIdentityResponse
LIAPIGeoIdentityServiceApi getIdentityByEmail GET /geoidentity/v1/identity/byemail Gets Identity
LIAPIGeoIdentityServiceApi getIdentityByTwitter GET /geoidentity/v1/identity/bytwitter Gets Identity
LIAPIGeoLifeServiceApi getDemographicsByAddressV2 GET /geolife/v2/demographics/byaddress Demographics By Address.
LIAPIGeoLifeServiceApi getDemographicsByLocationV2 GET /geolife/v2/demographics/bylocation Demographics By Location.
LIAPIGeoLifeServiceApi getSegmentationByAddress GET /geolife/v1/segmentation/byaddress Segmentation By Address.
LIAPIGeoLifeServiceApi getSegmentationByLocation GET /geolife/v1/segmentation/bylocation Segmentation By Location.
LIAPIGeoLocationServiceApi getDeviceStatus GET /geolocation/v1/devicestatus Location By Device Status.
LIAPIGeoLocationServiceApi getLocationByIPAddress GET /geolocation/v1/location/byipaddress Location By IP Address.
LIAPIGeoLocationServiceApi getLocationByWiFiAccessPoint GET /geolocation/v1/location/byaccesspoint Location by WiFi Access Point.
LIAPIGeoPostServiceApi getCarrierRoutesByAddress GET /geopost/v1/carrierroute/byaddress Carrier Route By Address.
LIAPIGeoPostServiceApi getCarrierRoutesByAddressBatch POST /geopost/v1/carrierroute/byaddress Gets GeoPost Carrier Routes for Multiple Addresses
LIAPIGeoPropertyServiceApi getGeoPropertyByAddress GET /geoproperty/v1/all/attributes/byaddress Gets GeoPropertyResponse
LIAPIGeoPropertyServiceApi getGeoPropertyByAddressBatch POST /geoproperty/v1/all/attributes/byaddress Gets GeoPropertyResponses
LIAPIGeoPropertyServiceApi getParcelBoundaryByAddress GET /geoproperty/v1/parcelboundary/byaddress Gets ParcelBoundary
LIAPIGeoPropertyServiceApi getParcelBoundaryByLocation GET /geoproperty/v1/parcelboundary/bylocation Gets ParcelBoundary
LIAPIGeoPropertyServiceApi getSchoolsByAddress GET /geoproperty/v1/school/byaddress Search Nearby Schools by Address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getCrimeRiskByAddress GET /georisk/v1/crime/byaddress Gets CrimeRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getCrimeRiskByAddressBatch POST /georisk/v1/crime/byaddress Batch method for getting crime risk by address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getCrimeRiskByLocation GET /georisk/v1/crime/bylocation Gets CrimeRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getCrimeRiskByLocationBatch POST /georisk/v1/crime/bylocation Batch method for getting crime risk by location
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getDistanceToFloodHazardByAddress GET /georisk/v1/shoreline/distancetofloodhazard/byaddress Gets WaterBodyResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getDistanceToFloodHazardByAddressBatch POST /georisk/v1/shoreline/distancetofloodhazard/byaddress Batch method for getting Water Bodies by address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getDistanceToFloodHazardByLocation GET /georisk/v1/shoreline/distancetofloodhazard/bylocation Gets WaterBodyResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getDistanceToFloodHazardByLocationBatch POST /georisk/v1/shoreline/distancetofloodhazard/bylocation Batch method for getting Water Bodies by location
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getEarthquakeHistory GET /georisk/v1/earthquakehistory Gets EarthquakeHistory
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getEarthquakeRiskByAddress GET /georisk/v1/earthquake/byaddress Gets EarthquakeRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getEarthquakeRiskByAddressBatch POST /georisk/v1/earthquake/byaddress Batch method for getting earthquake risk by address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getEarthquakeRiskByLocation GET /georisk/v1/earthquake/bylocation Gets EarthquakeRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getEarthquakeRiskByLocationBatch POST /georisk/v1/earthquake/bylocation Batch method for getting earthquake risk by location
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireHistory GET /georisk/v1/firehistory Gets FireHistory
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireRiskByAddress GET /georisk/v1/fire/byaddress Gets FireRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireRiskByAddressBatch POST /georisk/v1/fire/byaddress Batch method for getting fire risk by address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireRiskByLocation GET /georisk/v1/fire/bylocation Gets FireRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireRiskByLocationBatch POST /georisk/v1/fire/bylocation Batch method for getting fire risk by location
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireStationByAddress GET /georisk/v1/firestation/byaddress Gets FireStationResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFireStationByLocation GET /georisk/v1/firestation/bylocation Gets FireStationResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFloodRiskByAddress GET /georisk/v1/flood/byaddress Gets FloodRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFloodRiskByAddressBatch POST /georisk/v1/flood/byaddress Batch method for getting flood risk by address
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFloodRiskByLocation GET /georisk/v1/flood/bylocation Gets FloodRiskResponse
LIAPIGeoRiskServiceApi getFloodRiskByLocationBatch POST /georisk/v1/flood/bylocation Batch method for getting flood risk by location
LIAPIGeoRouteServiceApi getRouteByAddress GET /georoute/v1/route/byaddress Gets Route by Address
LIAPIGeoRouteServiceApi getRouteByLocation GET /georoute/v1/route/bylocation Gets Route by Location
LIAPIGeoRouteServiceApi getTravelCostMatrixByAddress GET /georoute/v1/travelcostmatrix/byaddress Gets Cost Matrix by Address
LIAPIGeoRouteServiceApi getTravelCostMatrixByLocation GET /georoute/v1/travelcostmatrix/bylocation Gets Cost Matrix by Location
LIAPIGeoSearchServiceApi geoSearch GET /geosearch/v2/locations Gets LocationList
LIAPIGeoStreetsServiceApi getIntersectionByAddress GET /geostreets/v1/intersection/byaddress Gets NearestIntersection of major roads
LIAPIGeoStreetsServiceApi getIntersectionByLocation GET /geostreets/v1/intersection/bylocation Gets NearestIntersection of major roads
LIAPIGeoStreetsServiceApi getNearestSpeedLimit GET /geostreets/v1/speedlimit Gets NearestSpeedLimit
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getBatchTaxByAddress POST /geotax/v1/tax/{taxRateTypeId}/byaddress Post Tax By Address
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getBatchTaxByLocation POST /geotax/v1/tax/{taxRateTypeId}/bylocation Post Tax By Location
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getBatchTaxRateByAddress POST /geotax/v1/taxrate/{taxRateTypeId}/byaddress Post Taxrate By Address
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getBatchTaxRateByLocation POST /geotax/v1/taxrate/{taxRateTypeId}/bylocation Post Taxrate By Location
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getIPDTaxByAddress GET /geotax/v1/taxdistrict/ipd/byaddress Get IPD Tax by Address
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getIPDTaxByAddressBatch POST /geotax/v1/taxdistrict/ipd/byaddress Get IPD Tax for batch requests
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getSpecificTaxByAddress GET /geotax/v1/tax/{taxRateTypeId}/byaddress Get Tax By Address
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getSpecificTaxByLocation GET /geotax/v1/tax/{taxRateTypeId}/bylocation Get Tax By Location
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getSpecificTaxRateByAddress GET /geotax/v1/taxrate/{taxRateTypeId}/byaddress Get Taxrate By Address
LIAPIGeoTaxServiceApi getSpecificTaxRateByLocation GET /geotax/v1/taxrate/{taxRateTypeId}/bylocation Get Taxrate By Location
LIAPIGeoTimeServiceApi getBatchTimezoneByAddress POST /geotime/v1/timezone/byaddress Timezone Batch by Address
LIAPIGeoTimeServiceApi getBatchTimezoneByLocation POST /geotime/v1/timezone/bylocation Timezone Batch by Location
LIAPIGeoTimeServiceApi getTimezoneByAddress GET /geotime/v1/timezone/byaddress Timezone By Address.
LIAPIGeoTimeServiceApi getTimezoneByLocation GET /geotime/v1/timezone/bylocation Timezone By Location.
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getBasicBoundaryByAddress GET /geozone/v1/basicboundary/byaddress Gets Basic Boundary by Address
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getBasicBoundaryByLocation GET /geozone/v1/basicboundary/bylocation Gets Basic Boundary by Location
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getPOIBoundaryByAddress GET /geozone/v1/poiboundary/byaddress Get Point of Interests Boundary by Address
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getPOIBoundaryByAddressBatch POST /geozone/v1/poiboundary/byaddress Batch method for getting Point of Interests Boundary by Address
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getPOIBoundaryByLocation GET /geozone/v1/poiboundary/bylocation Get Point of Interests Boundary by Location
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getPOIBoundaryByLocationBatch POST /geozone/v1/poiboundary/bylocation Batch method for getting Point of Interests Boundary by Location
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getTravelBoundaryByDistance GET /geozone/v1/travelboundary/bydistance Gets travel Boundary by Distance
LIAPIGeoZoneServiceApi getTravelBoundaryByTime GET /geozone/v1/travelboundary/bytime Gets travel Boundary by Time
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi geocode GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/geocode Gets Geocode
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi geocodeBatch POST /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/geocode Gets Geocode
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi getCapabilities GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/capabilities Gets Capabilities
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi getDictionaries GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/dictionaries Gets installed Dictionaries
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi getPBKey GET /geocode-service/v1/key/byaddress Gets PBKey
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi getPBKeys POST /geocode-service/v1/key/byaddress Gets PBKeys
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi keyLookup GET /geocode-service/v1/keylookup Get Address
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi keyLookupBatch POST /geocode-service/v1/keylookup Get List of Address
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi reverseGeocodBatch POST /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/reverseGeocode reverse Geocode
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi reverseGeocode GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/reverseGeocode reverse Geocode

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: password
  • Authorizatoin URL:
  • Scopes: N/A


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issue.
