All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
geocode | GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/geocode | Gets Geocode |
geocodeBatch | POST /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/geocode | Gets Geocode |
getCapabilities | GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/capabilities | Gets Capabilities |
getDictionaries | GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/dictionaries | Gets installed Dictionaries |
getPBKey | GET /geocode-service/v1/key/byaddress | Gets PBKey |
getPBKeys | POST /geocode-service/v1/key/byaddress | Gets PBKeys |
keyLookup | GET /geocode-service/v1/keylookup | Get Address |
keyLookupBatch | POST /geocode-service/v1/keylookup | Get List of Address |
reverseGeocodBatch | POST /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/reverseGeocode | reverse Geocode |
reverseGeocode | GET /geocode-service/v1/transient/{datapackBundle}/reverseGeocode | reverse Geocode |
GeocodeServiceResponse geocode(datapackBundle, country, placeName, mainAddress, lastLine, areaName1, areaName2, areaName3, areaName4, postalCode, matchMode, fallbackGeo, fallbackPostal, maxCands, streetOffset, streetOffsetUnits, cornerOffset, cornerOffsetUnits)
Gets Geocode
Gets Geocode
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
String country = "USA"; // String | Country name or ISO code.
String placeName = "placeName_example"; // String | Building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the input address.
String mainAddress = "4750 Walnut St., Boulder CO, 80301"; // String | Single line input, treated as collection of field elements.
String lastLine = "lastLine_example"; // String | The last line of the address.
String areaName1 = "areaName1_example"; // String | Specifies the largest geographical area, typically a state or province.
String areaName2 = "areaName2_example"; // String | Specifies the secondary geographic area, typically a county or district.
String areaName3 = "areaName3_example"; // String | Specifies a city or town name.
String areaName4 = "areaName4_example"; // String | Specifies a city subdivision or locality.
Integer postalCode = 56; // Integer | The postal code in the appropriate format for the country.
String matchMode = "Standard"; // String | Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between the input address and the reference data.
Boolean fallbackGeo = true; // Boolean | Specifies whether to attempt to determine a geographic region centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined.
Boolean fallbackPostal = true; // Boolean | Specifies whether to attempt to determine a post code centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined.
Integer maxCands = 1; // Integer | The maximum number of candidates to return.
Integer streetOffset = 7; // Integer | Indicates the offset distance from the street segments to use in street-level geocoding.
String streetOffsetUnits = "METERS"; // String | Specifies the unit of measurement for the street offset.
Integer cornerOffset = 7; // Integer | Specifies the distance to offset the street end points in street-level matching.
String cornerOffsetUnits = "METERS"; // String | Specifies the unit of measurement for the corner offset.
try {
GeocodeServiceResponse result = apiInstance.geocode(datapackBundle, country, placeName, mainAddress, lastLine, areaName1, areaName2, areaName3, areaName4, postalCode, matchMode, fallbackGeo, fallbackPostal, maxCands, streetOffset, streetOffsetUnits, cornerOffset, cornerOffsetUnits);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#geocode");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
country | String | Country name or ISO code. | [optional] [default to USA] |
placeName | String | Building name, place name, Point of Interest (POI), company or firm name associated with the input address. | [optional] |
mainAddress | String | Single line input, treated as collection of field elements. | [optional] [default to 4750 Walnut St., Boulder CO, 80301] |
lastLine | String | The last line of the address. | [optional] |
areaName1 | String | Specifies the largest geographical area, typically a state or province. | [optional] |
areaName2 | String | Specifies the secondary geographic area, typically a county or district. | [optional] |
areaName3 | String | Specifies a city or town name. | [optional] |
areaName4 | String | Specifies a city subdivision or locality. | [optional] |
postalCode | Integer | The postal code in the appropriate format for the country. | [optional] |
matchMode | String | Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between the input address and the reference data. | [optional] [default to Standard] [enum: Exact, Standard, Relaxed, Custom, Interactive, CASS] |
fallbackGeo | Boolean | Specifies whether to attempt to determine a geographic region centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined. | [optional] [default to true] |
fallbackPostal | Boolean | Specifies whether to attempt to determine a post code centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined. | [optional] [default to true] |
maxCands | Integer | The maximum number of candidates to return. | [optional] [default to 1] |
streetOffset | Integer | Indicates the offset distance from the street segments to use in street-level geocoding. | [optional] [default to 7] |
streetOffsetUnits | String | Specifies the unit of measurement for the street offset. | [optional] [default to METERS] [enum: METERS, FEET] |
cornerOffset | Integer | Specifies the distance to offset the street end points in street-level matching. | [optional] [default to 7] |
cornerOffsetUnits | String | Specifies the unit of measurement for the corner offset. | [optional] [default to METERS] [enum: METERS, FEET] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
GeocodeServiceResponseList geocodeBatch(body, datapackBundle)
Gets Geocode
Gets Geocode
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
GeocodeRequest body = new GeocodeRequest(); // GeocodeRequest | Geocode Request Object
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
try {
GeocodeServiceResponseList result = apiInstance.geocodeBatch(body, datapackBundle);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#geocodeBatch");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | GeocodeRequest | Geocode Request Object | |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
GeocodeCapabilitiesResponse getCapabilities(datapackBundle, operation, country)
Gets Capabilities
Gets Capabilities
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
String operation = "geocode"; // String | Geocode or ReverseGeocode Operation.
String country = "USA"; // String | Country name or ISO code.
try {
GeocodeCapabilitiesResponse result = apiInstance.getCapabilities(datapackBundle, operation, country);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#getCapabilities");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
operation | String | Geocode or ReverseGeocode Operation. | [optional] [default to geocode] [enum: geocode, reverseGeocode] |
country | String | Country name or ISO code. | [optional] [default to USA] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
ConfiguredDictionaryResponse getDictionaries(datapackBundle, country)
Gets installed Dictionaries
Gets installed Dictionaries
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
String country = "USA"; // String | Three Letter ISO Country code
try {
ConfiguredDictionaryResponse result = apiInstance.getDictionaries(datapackBundle, country);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#getDictionaries");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
country | String | Three Letter ISO Country code | [optional] [default to USA] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
PBKeyResponse getPBKey(address, country)
Gets PBKey
Gets PBKey for an input free form address text
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String address = "address_example"; // String | free form address text
String country = "country_example"; // String | Country ISO code.
try {
PBKeyResponse result = apiInstance.getPBKey(address, country);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#getPBKey");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
address | String | free form address text | |
country | String | Country ISO code. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
PBKeyResponseList getPBKeys(body)
Gets PBKeys
Gets PBKeys for multiple input addresses
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
PBKeyAddressRequest body = new PBKeyAddressRequest(); // PBKeyAddressRequest |
try {
PBKeyResponseList result = apiInstance.getPBKeys(body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#getPBKeys");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | PBKeyAddressRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
GeocodeServiceResponse keyLookup(key, type, country)
Get Address
Gets Address for an input free form PBKey text
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String key = "key_example"; // String | free form text
String type = "type_example"; // String |
String country = "country_example"; // String |
try {
GeocodeServiceResponse result = apiInstance.keyLookup(key, type, country);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#keyLookup");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
key | String | free form text | |
type | String | [optional] | |
country | String | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/json, application/xml
GeocodeServiceResponseList keyLookupBatch(body)
Get List of Address
Gets Address for an input free form PBKey text
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
KeyLookupRequest body = new KeyLookupRequest(); // KeyLookupRequest |
try {
GeocodeServiceResponseList result = apiInstance.keyLookupBatch(body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#keyLookupBatch");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | KeyLookupRequest | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/json, application/xml
GeocodeServiceResponseList reverseGeocodBatch(datapackBundle, body)
reverse Geocode
reverse Geocode
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
ReverseGeocodeRequest body = new ReverseGeocodeRequest(); // ReverseGeocodeRequest | Request for Reverse Geocode
try {
GeocodeServiceResponseList result = apiInstance.reverseGeocodBatch(datapackBundle, body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#reverseGeocodBatch");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
body | ReverseGeocodeRequest | Request for Reverse Geocode | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json
GeocodeServiceResponse reverseGeocode(datapackBundle, x, y, country, coordSysName, distance, distanceUnits)
reverse Geocode
reverse Geocode
// Import classes:
//import pb.ApiClient;
//import pb.ApiException;
//import pb.Configuration;
//import pb.auth.*;
//import pb.locationintelligence.LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API_KEY and SECRET for authorization: oAuth2Password
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
defaultClient.setoAuthApiKey("<YOUR API KEY>");
defaultClient.setoAuthSecret("<YOUR SECRET>");
LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi apiInstance = new LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi();
String datapackBundle = "datapackBundle_example"; // String | value of datapackBundle
BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(); // BigDecimal | Longitude of the location.
BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal(); // BigDecimal | Latitude of the location.
String country = "country_example"; // String | Country name or ISO code.
String coordSysName = "EPSG:4326"; // String | Coordinate system to convert geometry to in format codespace:code.
Integer distance = 150; // Integer | Radius in which search is performed.
String distanceUnits = "METERS"; // String | Unit of measurement.
try {
GeocodeServiceResponse result = apiInstance.reverseGeocode(datapackBundle, x, y, country, coordSysName, distance, distanceUnits);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling LIAPIGeocodeServiceApi#reverseGeocode");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
datapackBundle | String | value of datapackBundle | [enum: basic, premium, advanced] |
x | BigDecimal | Longitude of the location. | [default to -105.240976] |
y | BigDecimal | Latitude of the location. | [default to 40.018301] |
country | String | Country name or ISO code. | [optional] |
coordSysName | String | Coordinate system to convert geometry to in format codespace:code. | [optional] [default to EPSG:4326] |
distance | Integer | Radius in which search is performed. | [optional] [default to 150] |
distanceUnits | String | Unit of measurement. | [optional] [default to METERS] [enum: METERS, FEET] |
- Content-Type: application/json, application/xml
- Accept: application/xml, application/json