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Manoj Kolpe edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the ManojKolpeThesis wiki!

Project Timeline

Screenshot from 2022-06-14 09-26-49

Potential paper topics

  • Literature review on temporal fusion
  • Efficient semantic segmentation with temporal fusion

Literature papers

Semantic segmentation dataset

The dataset should contain the world, vehicle, and camera coordinates in case of data related to road. But in most cases, the world coordinate is not given.

Semantic segmentation dataset with camera poses

Semantic segmentation dataset with sequence data

Semantic segmentation dataset RGBD benchmark

Encoder decoder based semantic segmentation model with pretrained weights

Accuracy metric for semantic segmentation

  • Class accuracy
  • Pixel Accuracy (PA)
  • Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA)
  • Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU)
  • Frequency Weighted Intersection over Union (FWIoU)

Screenshot 2022-06-03 at 01 04 51 Screenshot from 2022-07-04 09-43-47


Paper+implementation -

Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 01 40 43

Gaussian process

Test output $k^*$is nothing but the input itself where we want to get the updated values

image image image

As per the original equation, the mean of the noisy Gaussian regression is given by


where k star transpose is the test point kernel and x star is the test point, however, in our case, the test point is the input point itself. So we multiply the kernel K by the below equation image

The above equation can be solved by framing it as AX=B where B = y and A = (K+sigma2*I)

High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models

1Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich & IWR, Heidelberg University, Germany Runway ML