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Sprint Goal Setting

Manoj Kolpe edited this page Sep 28, 2022 · 28 revisions

Sprint goals 15/10/2022

  • Look at the format of the paper
  • Look at the BOP dataset challenges
  • Write a mid-term report

Sprint goals 15/09/2022

  • Start with one research question and experiment on the same.
  • Write a report of the first RQ1

Sprint goals 15/08/2022

  • Evaluation with Gaussian process, result, and summary of the results
  • Datalaoder for three datasets, test case for loading and visualizing
  • Train on all the data, results
  • COnfusion matrix
  • How to compare single-frame segmentation (Vanilla) vs. multi-frame segmentation (Latent frame fusion, GP)
  • Visualize the output
  • Extended goals: Experiment with two dataset
  • Improve the code structure and convert to .py and import it.

Sprint goals 15/07/2022

  • Find one dataset
  • Focus on the first research question
  • Find a list of datasets for semantic segmentation with the camera dataset (Look for Synthetic dataset)
  • Evaluation of the model with and without the Gaussian process
  • Create a table of results

Sprint goals

MVS2 - Deadline - 15/06/2022

  • ⏳ Understand the importance of the Gaussian process on the depth estimation
  • ⏳ Literature review on the multi-view stereo
    • Reproduce the result from the paper
  • ⏳ Load the dataset and make it run
  • ☑️ Download the dataset
    • Understand the differences between MVS approach and MVDepthnet
    • Different methods to construct the cost volume
    • Create a baseline

MVS1 - Deadline - 15/05/2022

  • ☑️ Deploy the pretrained model on the android phone
  • ⏳ Understand the importance of the Gaussian process on the depth estimation
  • ⏳ Literature review on the multi-view stereo
  • ☑️ Create a markdown file explaining the deployment of the PyTorch model on the android using Python and Kotlin code
  • ☑️ Deploying python code on android
    • Reproduce the result from the paper
  • ⏳ Load the dataset and make it run


  • Able to deploy on the android device
  • Proper setup of system for working
  • More focus on the literature work
  • Unable to download all the data
  • Creating a baseline
  • Setting up the research questions
  • Time for preparing the slides for presentation with the professor