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Chase Scenes

SalieriC edited this page May 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

Chase Layouts

In SWIM included is a set of scenes for use with the Chase Setup macro. The macro will automatically place the cards on the correct position of the chase layout and can also shuffle them back in your card deck. Setting up a chase thus becomes a matter of seconds with only the click on a button inside the macro.
As with the Rest of the module these layouts are licensed under the Savage Worlds Fan License. But these scenes contain detailed information about specific rulings, thus I asked Shane Lacy Hensley for permission to publish these. I was given permission to do so under the Fan License. Please note that this permission may be revoked by PEG at any time. Should this happen I will remove these layouts from this module and replace them with generic ones that do not contain any rulings.
In the module settings you can set up a default deck of cards to draw from but you can still choose another deck if you like. The roll table must have the images of cards as Journal Entries in it. If you're now sure, just duplicate the action deck from the system and rename it to "Chase Deck".

Custom Fonts

The layouts use the following fonts:

  • Arial (included in Windows 10)
  • Myriad Pro (included in Windows 10)
  • Good Times
  • Rumburak
    These fonts are used with permission and mentioned here for credit and reference. I am not responsible for any contents of the websites behind those links above. At the time of writing this (2021-07-05) I couldn't find any illegal contents of these sites. The EULA of the relevant fonts can be found in their respective download.

Setting up a custom background

You can set up a custom background for these layouts by simply editing the scenes background image. By doing this however, the scenes properties may change. It is of utmost importance to keep the original properties. These are as follows:

Scene Dimensions

  • Width: 1956 pixels
  • Height: 1415 pixels

Grid Configuration

  • Grid Type: Square
  • Grid Size: 100 pixels
  • Offset Background: 78 horizontal and 10 vertical
    You must not change these properties, otherwise the macro will be unable to place your cards in the correct position. Foundry VTT may change your Scene Dimensions on setting up another background image, so double check that the original values keep in place.

Editing the layouts

You can edit these layouts manually by opening them in an image editor like GIMP or PhotoPea. I can not and will not provide the original files but by adding your own background image in such an editor will avoid conflicts with changing scene dimensions.

License information

You may not - under any circumstances - redistribute these layouts, especially not in another module. I may decide to allow this on a case decision, please ask before. The layouts are thus not covered by the GPL-3.0 license the rest of the module falls under.