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Below you'll find some descriptions on the macros. Some require other modules to work properly. Some are compatible with other modules though, well they should be compatible with mostly anything really so I won't give a full list. Instead I'll give you a list of modules that enhance the functionality of the macro.
In the very last line all macros tell you their version number. Use it to check whether or not you're using the latest version.
Requirements: None.
- Dice So Nice for the Benny throw.
Immersion setting: None.
Suggested icon: systems/swade/assets/benny/benny-chip-front.png
This macro will basically just spend a Benny. It does use the animation from Dice So Nice if it is installed and activated but doesn't require DSN. With SWADE Spices & Flavours you can customise the look of the Benny. This module will automatically find if you're using Spices & Flavours and uses the back image of the Benny if you've set one up.
The macro will use the Bennies of the selected token (needs a token selected to function). If the user is a GM it will also use the GMs Bennies but will always spend token Bennies first and only touches GM Bennies once the token is out of Bennies. It also gives a warning if no more Bennies are left.
This macro is the basis for most of the other macros. Whenever a macro uses a Benny, it will do so using the code from this macro and thus having all its features which I won't detail for other macros.
Requirements: None.
- Dice So Nice for the Benny throw.
Immersion setting: SFX.
Suggested icon: modules/swim/assets/icons/status_markers/0-Shaken.png
This macro will first check whether or not the selected token (needs a token to be selected) is marked as Shaken (checks for the checkbox on the sheet). If the token is not Shaken, it will mark it as Shaken (tick the checkbox). It it is Shaken, then it will prompt a system roll. After rolling it gives a chat message detailing the result. If the result is best it will remove Shaken and that's it. If the roll could've been better it opens a dialogue giving the user the option to spend a Benny to remove Shaken. If accepted a Benny is spent (if there are Bennies left) and removes Shaken. The user can also decline which just closes the dialogue. The dialogue will not appear if there are no more Bennies left (including GM Bennies if the user is a GM). It also tells the user how many Bennies are left in the dialogue.
Now here is the deal: The macro is aware of any core Edges and Special Abilities that can alter the unshake roll and automatically adjusts the roll. You can set up own ones as well by adding them to the const edgeNames
object (inside the []); put them in '' and only use lower case. The macro requires you to set up Special Abilities like Undead as Edges or Abilities though, so keep that in mind. Also the macro currently does not add a +2 on a reroll if the token has Elan. Keep in mind that only english Edge names are supported yet.
The macro is also aware of Snake Eyes (Critical Failure) and offers no use of a Benny when Snake Eyes occur. It does not check for Snake Eyes on Extras though.
This macro comes in two variants: SWADE and SWD. I like the SWD rules regarding Shaken much better but the choice is yours. Here are the differences:
SWD: To act this turn you need a raise, success removes Shaken but you may only act next turn. While Shaken your Pace is halved.
SWADE: To act you'll only need a success.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: SFX.
Suggested icon: modules/swim/assets/icons/status_markers/2-Stunned.png
This macro is very similar to the (Un-)Shake macro but handles Stunned. If the selected token (needs one selected) is not Stunned, it will be marked as such, including all the effects that come with it. Otherwise it will initiate a roll to unstun and adds/removes conditions according to the result. It is aware of Snake Eyes. It supports SFX on applying Stunned in the same way as (Un-)Shake. Important: Set up the path to your prone image to the exact same path as your prone image in the modules setting. This is not necessary if you have imported the CUB Condition Lab file (modules/swim/assets/imports/). If you use the system included status markers the path is: systems/swade/assets/icons/status/status_prone.svg
The function supports modifiers from Active Effects. To use it create an active effect with the attribute key SWIM.unStunMod
(case sensitive), the change mode Add
and a value of your choosing. A bonus must not have a +
in front of the number, a penalty needs a -
in front of the number. It only applies as long as the label (name) of the AE is not equal to any recognised Edges or Hindrances (currently only Combat Reflexes).
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: SFX.
Suggested icon: modules/swim/assets/icons/status_markers/3-Incapacitated.png
One of the most complex macros I ever wrote. It soaks and applies Wounds. It tries to cover everything from SWADE core and guides the user through the process. It is aware of (Un)Holy Warrior and Elan. It follows the core rules and thus is aware of Critical Failures.
It also supports SFX again. You can configure a path to your desired SFX in the modules configuration.
You can also use the Gritty Damage setting rule by adding the name of your Injury Table in the modules config. It must be the exact name of your Injury Table, best copy and paste it. Gritty damage is only used for non-GM accounts. Gritty damage will not be used when you have not set up an ID. So just leave this setting empty if you don't desire to use it.
(Assets used in the scene are from ForgottenAdventures and not part of SWIM.)
Immersion setting: SFX (optional, user provided).
A pretty complex macro. The simple one is pretty straight forward and will not be maintained any longer. The Enhanced version has got it's own documentation here. Make sure to read it, it is mandatory to do so, otherwise the macro will not work.
It comes with optional BR2 integration for the shooting/using ammo part. How the integration works is documented in the above link as well.
Wait, where do I get weapon sound effects?
I can't include that many sfx right now. It is rather difficult to find good weapon sounds which I am allowed to include and I don't have the funds to buy them for this module. I'm not gonna recommend any particular way on how to get adequate sound effects, figuring that out is on you. Just know that there are many resources you should be able to use out there. As a general lead: Look for PC game modifications which alter the weapon sounds in that specific game. You may not be allowed to use the sfx from the game directly (depends on the game of course), but those from mods are usually not a problem but check that before you do take them. I cannot be held responsible for any breach of contract or copyright you commit it is on you to check whether or not you're allowed to use the sfx you find.
You may also want to take a look at SoundFx Library by Cris. It comes with a few bow sounds which may be sufficient for your standard medieval fantasy settings.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: SFX.
Suggested icon: modules/swim/assets/icons/status_markers/2c-Frightened.png
This does mostly the same as the macro in the core rules module except you can manually set up the name of your Fear table and it has the option to play a sfx on execution.
This macro basically just opens a dialogue that asks for a fear modifier and then rolls on your Fear table with that modifier. Remember the rules on this: Negative fear modifiers become positive in the table, so do not enter negative numbers unless you know what you're doing.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: SFX.
This is a rather simple macro that marks a token as Incapacitated! and is mainly intended for NPC Extras.
The macro plays a sound effect on execution and will mark all selected as Inc.! It works both ways though and can uncheck Inc.! if needed.
Incompatibility: This macro is not compatible with the power point management offered by the SWADE system. Disable it if you want to use this macro.
Immersion setting: SFX.
Oh boy, this one was a pain to create and a great way to learn. It tries to handle all core methods of recharging and spending Power Points and also supports Deadlands The Weird West in the sense of that it offers Whateley Blood. It handles Fatigue and Wounds and only shows the Soul Drain or Whateley Blood stuff if the Edge is found on the character (no language support yet). It will spend as many PP as you set up in the dialogue or recharge as many. It also offers to recharge 5 by spending a Benny or said Edges.
SFX works differently here. You need to set up a Playlist called "Magic Effects" and the macro will get all the tracks in it and then plays the selected when PP are spent (not recharged). This offers more flexibility.
In terms of other SFX: The macro again uses the Incapacitation sfx and the wounded sfx but also a new one played on taking a level of Fatigue.
- Sequencer (Enabling VFX)
Immersion setting: SFX & VFX.
This macro is more or less the opposite of the Soak Damage macro. It offers functionality to remove wounds in a generic way (i.e. due to the Healing Skill or Power) and also a way to roll on Natural Healing, interpreting the results, removing wounds, offering rerolls and is aware of Snake Eyes (adds another Wound or Inc.!). It supports Fast Healer and (on rerolls) Elan as well.
It also supports the Regeneration Special/Racial Ability but it must be set up as an Edge or Ability called "Fast Regeneration" or "Slow Regeneration". Then it adjusts the time that needs to be passed until a Natural Healing roll can be made. If your setting calls for longer or shorter periods of time until a Natural Healing roll can be made (Hellfrost comes to mind), then you can set this up in the modules settings.
It uses the sfx for Wounds, Inc.! and Healing.
The macro is also capable of removing Fatigue using a given number, which also supports a unique sfx.
Both, removing Fatigue and Wounds, does support using potions. For this you need to provide the potion names in the relevant game settings. Make sure that you enter the exact names (case sensitive) and separate them by ,
(comma + empty space). Drinking the potion also has a unique sfx and drinking a potion reduces the quantity by 1. If it was the last potion of this kind, it will be removed from the inventory.
It is also capable of playing visual effects (VFX) if Sequencer is installed and active. I suggest Generic Heal and Cure Wounds for everyone with access to the JB2A patreon module.
Finally it can also be used to heal the target even if you don't have permission to change the target. For this you need to select your token and target another.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting:
- Light animation & colour
- Sound effect
This macro was inspired by a macro from @Sky#9453 that supported DnD vision and lighting. I altered it to suit Savage Worlds. For v10 I completely rewrote it and there is almost nothing left from the original. I have to say though, that information on vision and illumination is very lacklustre in SWADE with regards to VTT software. It works fine on an actual tabletop but not with dynamic lighting on VTTs. I had to bring some personal taste in but I tried to stay as true to the rules as I could. For that reason I'm also using SWPF rules where those are more precise.
Here are the options explained:
Light Source:
- No Change: Does not change the current settings.
- None: Deactivates all emit light settings from token.
- Candle: 2" radius of bright light.
- Lamp: 4" radius of bright light.
- Bullseye: 4" beam of bright light with an angle of 52.5 degree.
- Torch: 4" radius of bright light.
- Flashlight: 10" beam of bright light in an angle of 52.2 degrees.
- No Change: Does not change the current settings.
- Full Light / Daylight: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 1000" (the maximum allowed by Foundry)
- Dim: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 25" (there is no clear distinction in SWADE but SWPF uses that number so I'm using it).
- Dark: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 10".
- Pitch Dark: Sets the tokens vision to 0" and detection mode to 1".
Vision Type:
- No Change: Does not change the current settings.
- None: Sets the tokens vision to 0" and detection mode to 1" unless Illumination is better.
- Low Light Vision
: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 25" unless Illumination is better. - Infravision
: Sets the tokens vision to 0" and detection mode to 25" in the "see heat" mode unless Illumination is better. - Darkvision
: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 10" unless Illumination is better. - Night Vision Device: Sets the tokens vision and detection mode to 25" unless Illumination is better but tints the vision green ("light amplification" mode).
Only available if the actor has a special ability called like the mode.
Additionally, the user can set up a light colour for the light source and it will be animated with the "torch" animation from core, but rather subtle.
The illumination level can be set to a default by the GM in the scenes lighting section on the left. There is a button that lets you configure the default for players for that scene.
WARNING: This macro will irreversibly overwrite your configured detection modes on the token! This is because it's really hard to deal with them atm. It will set up "Basic sight" and "See heat" as the others are not that useful for SWADE right now. I will adjust that when this changes.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting:
- Images
This takes inputs from you in the form of a number in Kilometres (or miles if you're hell-bound on using terrible units) as well as your means of travel. Then it'll calculate for you how long it'll take to complete the journey, display the result and shows a flavourful image to all the players. A really simple function but it might go a long way if you travel a lot.
The travel calculator can also be run in stealth mode which will not notify players that you just calculated a journey (prevent sfx playback and won't show the travel image.
You can also customise the travel calculator with your own means of travel by creating a JSON and provide it in the SWIM settings -> Macro Options. The JSON needs to follow a strict format, so it is more for experienced users. Below you can find an example on how to set it up:
"id": "uniqueid",
"name": "Any Name",
"speedPerHour": 3,
"image": "relative/file/path/to/image.webp",
"sfx": "relative/file/path/to/soundfile.ogg"
"id": "itsover9000",
"name": "ANY.loca.string.willWorkAsWell",
"speedPerHour": 9000,
"image": "relative/file/path/to/image.webp",
"sfx": "relative/file/path/to/soundfile.ogg"
While an image is strictly required (for now at least), a sound file (sfx) is optional. If you don't have a sound file, just set it to an empty string (""
Requirements: Chase layouts/scenes (included in a compendium) and a roll table with card images.
Immersion setting: System card deal sound.
This will set your chase scene up with little effort. Accessed easily on the tile controls on any scene (the car icon, added by the system and overwritten by SWIM). It places the cards automatically in the correct position. See the Chase Scenes documentation for details.
This requires the chase scenes that come in a compendium with this module. These carry various options, players have in a chase, made with permission from Shane.
If you don't want to use my chase layouts you can also change the settings either in the dialogue after pressing the button mentioned above or by changing the default values in the SWIM module configurations.
Note: This currently uses a roll table instead of a card deck, thus you'll need a chase card table. One you can import is included in a compendium in SWIM for your convenience.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: None.
A simple raise calculator that can be easily accessed from the controls on the left side of the screen as long as you have a scene. It is the big plus button in the basic (token) controls.
Changes the amount of Raises dynamically, depending on your input while you type. Whenever you change the result input field the text below is adjusted and will show you the amount of raises. It does not have a button because a button isn't needed. You could keep this one open at all times and change the values whenever you want.
Below are screenshots from the dynamic version:
Immersion setting: None.
A utility macro made by Bruno Calado that calculates Deviation. Will ultimately become part of the Shooting (enhanced) macro. Image source: freesvg.org.
Immersion setting: None.
A utility macro made by Bruno Calado that calculates Scale depending on Size and gives the appropriate malus/bonus. Requires a target to function.
Immersion setting: None.
The Tester macro is currently in a kind of beta state, as it isn't quite where I want it to be yet but it certainly is capable and useable yet (unless I missed something obvious. The macro has two parts: Test and Support.
This part covers the test rules in SWADE, it asks for a skill or attribute to be used and whether Distracted or Vulnerable shall be applied on a success. Afterwards the GM will be asked to roll against the results total and effect will then be determined and applied. This is intended for players testing NPCs. Due to technical limitations it is currently not feasible to ask a player for a roll to resist, at least not with some pretty hacky stuff. I do plan to change that in the future though.
This covers the rules for support. It asks for a roll and will apply effects to the target depending on the result. Effects are applied as an active effect. Due to technical limitations, it is not possible to remove an active effect after the next roll and thus users need to delete the effect manually after the next roll, so be aware of that. This is something I can try to change in the future, at least with BRSW in use but haven't found the time to do so yet.
Immersion setting: None.
This macro relies on an Additional Stat set up on your actors: "treasure" (type string, no max value). Your bestiary needs this Additional Stat on the actors to function automatically (but there is another way of using it, see below).
Allowed treasure types are: "Meager", "Worthwhile", "Rich" and "Treasure Trove" which are common loot types i.e. in Hellfrost, 50 Fathoms or the Fantasy Companion.
It is also common to these settings to state treasure per x opponents (i.e. "Meager, per 5 Orcs"). In this case set up the Additional Stat like this: "Meager, per x", "Meager per x" or "Meager/x" where x is the amount of enemies as a number not a word. These three options are covered by the macro, use no other format!
How does it work?
The macro searches all selected and targeted tokens (it won't use duplicates if targeted and selected tokens are the same, don't worry) for the additional stat "treasure" and makes a roll for loot, then it creates a chat message with the random loot amount.
Alternatively, you can use the macro with no tokens targeted/selected and a dialogue will appear that lets you enter the amount of enemies with their different loot types individually. This dialogue will also open when none of the selected and targeted tokens has the Additional Stat so you can safely use the macro without this.
If the loot type is set up with an amount of enemies like above (i.e. "Meager, per 5"), the number is used for division and the result is rounded to two decimals.
In Hellfrost this represents Silver Shields, in Settings which don't use a sub-currency (like 50f), just ignore or round off manually.
Immersion setting: SFX & VFX Requirements:
- Sequencer (Enabling VFX)
The first macro to open the doors for much more complex stuff. Writing it was challenging but it seems to work reasonably well. Please report any bugs as usual.
This macro allows players and GMs alike to shape change their characters into other creatures. It automatically shows those which are available and you can choose whether to change into a new form or back to your regular form. Warp Gate by honeybadger is required to exchange the token on the canvas, so you can't access it without it. The macro will carry over every values that are required, including wounds, fatigue, conviction, power points, bennies, etc. Even on changing back all those values will be updated. The macro should really take care of everything for you.
There is some setup to be done however: First head to the compendiums and locate the "SWIM Actor Folders" compendium. Open it and import the folder structure into your world. Do not change the folders names! Inside the folder structure you'll find sub-folders. You now need to populate these folders with the creatures a shape changer can change into. You don't need to edit any of their settings, the macro will take care of everything. It is recommended that you rename these to avoid confusion with other actors however. I recommend adding a simple "SC: " in front of their names, e.g. "SC: Wolf". Also you might want to delete all the powers the creature might have because as of version 0.13.0, the macro does not delete those (yet). Make sure to set permission to limited or observer on these actors for all players that are shape shifters! (Do not make the players owner on these, the function will handle that. If all shape shifters have owner permission on the templates, bad things could happen.) Also make sure to update those actors with proper sight and detection modes or your players won't see anything. This is required in case a creature has other sight than the shape changer.
How does it work?
The macro will search the folder structure mentioned above for your presets and add them to the list of creatures a shape changer can change into. It then will create a duplicate of the selected actor and uses that duplicate for this specific player. It then will change the actor according to the rules. It will change the skills, attributes, token settings, wounds, fatigue, and much more. It even activates conviction if it was currently running on the shape changer. After the change is complete it will also link the new actor to the user but only if this user had the previous actor linked (to prevent linking allied extras). This will never happen if the user is the GM and is mainly done to properly cover Bennies.
Why not creating the folder structure automatically on first starting the world? - Shape Change isn't the most common power in my experience, thus I don't want to force it on GMs who have no need for it.
Note: I highly recommend disabling the dismiss button in the Warpgate settings. This button will cause a lot of trouble as it is incompatible with SWIM. If you do need it advise your players to never press it on their shape changed actors.
Here is a short video that showcases the macro (visual effect by JB2A, not included in SWIM):
Immersion setting: SFX & VFX Requirements:
- Sequencer (Enabling VFX)
The Mighty Summoner allows players to summon creatures to the canvas.
First you need to import the [SWIM] Summon Creature
folder structure from the actor compendium. In this folder you now place all the actors your players shall be able to summon. You may sort them to the rank folders but that is not necessary. Important is that they are all in the Summon Creature Presets
sub-folder of [SWIM] Summon Creature
or the respective sub-folders of Summon Creature Presets
Now give the players which are able to summon creatures at least limited permission of the creatures. By doing this you can control who is able to summon which creature.
That's basically everything. It uses the same VFX and SFX as the Shape Changer and Warp Gate handles the placement.
How does it work?
The function will search the folder structure for your presets and add them to the list of creatures a summoner can summon. It then will give the player the selected creature attached to the mouse pointer. On click the player places the token on the canvas and give that player permission to control it. It does not create a new actor and thus is only available as a token on the canvas. The sheet can be accessed by double left clicking the token as usual.
Caster and summoned creature will get an Active Effect. When the effect is removed on either, the summoned creature will be dismissed.
Why not creating the folder structure automatically on first starting the world? - Summon powers aren't the most common powers in my experience, especially not on lower ranks, thus I don't want to force it on GMs who have no need for it.
Note: I highly recommend disabling the dismiss button in the Warpgate settings. This button will cause a lot of trouble as it is incompatible with SWIM. If you do need it advise your players to never press it on the tokens summoned with the Mighty Summoner.
Here is a short video that showcases the macro (visual effect by JB2A, not included in SWIM):
Requirements: None.
- Dice So Nice for the Benny throw.
Immersion setting: None.
This will give one Benny from a token to another.
Target the token you want to give the Benny to and select the token from which you want to give the Benny away. The latter needs to have the Common Bond Edge. You need owner permission on the selected token, you don't need owner Permission for the target however.
Requirements: None.
Immersion setting: Changing Playlists.
This feature is available from a new button (with the fist icon FVTT uses) in the token controls section on the left (only GMs can see it). The button adds all tokens of the current scene to the combat tracker and prompts a dialogue. The user then has the opportunity to group the tokens as needed. A click on the button of the dialogue starts the combat, draws cards for all combatants/groups and sets the turn to the higher initiative.
Additionally, if configured and activated properly in the settings, the game will pause all current playlists and starts a defined combat playlist. This also works when setting up and starting a combat without the combat setup feature. It is possible to configure a folder with playlists that shall not be stopped (i.e. ambient playlists).
When stopping (deleting) the combat, the game will automatically stop the combat playlist and resume playing any playlists which were playing before the combat.
Immersion setting: None atm.
An immensely powerful way of setting up Active Effects for the smite, darksight, arcane protection, burrow, damage field, protection, growth/shrink, deflection, sloth/speed, invisibility, confusion, beast friend and boost/lower powers (more to come) on multiple targets. It sets the AE up with the appropriate duration (also respecting the concentration edge if the caster (selected token) has it), end of turn message and so on.
It makes use of the very powerful API provided by Warp Gate and SUCC to apply the effect even on tokens the user doesn't have permission to edit. Make sure your SUCC and Warp Gate installations are up to date.
There is a soft requirement for the Effect Builder in Active Token Effects by Kandashi (Soft requirement). It is not strictly required but if you have it enabled, the effect for the light power will apply an actual light to the affected tokens.
Please note: To access some specific Features of the Power Effect Builder you need to make sure that all Powers have their original names at least together with their flavour names (i.e. "Deflecting Moonlight (Deflection)") otherwise the Power Effect Builder has no chance to find the power, which is important to set up maintenance modifiers and duration. The duration for non-casters is always near infinite! This is by design so that it only ends on the casters turn. If the power is not found on the caster the effect will get a proper duration however.
Note: The Power Effect Builder won't use the Invisible and Blind effects provided by Foundry. Those make tokens actually invisible/blind and that is really problematic for SWADE as it means that invisible actors can't be targeted and blind ones can't target others. But they can by the rules.
Requirements: None.
- Challenge Tracker for a task token & round tracker (clock).
Immersion setting: SFX.
This macro is intended for GMs only and makes setting up a Dramatic Task easy. Original code comes from brunocolado aka Mestre Digital aka md but was completely overhauled, refined and adjusted for SWIM.
By itself the macro allows you to quickly calculate the amount of tokens needed to succeed the task based on players amount and challenge rating. The macro can to much more though, allowing you to set up custom encounters, playing a dramtic SFX to get the attention of your players and it can even populate the amount of players if you target all participating players. It can also set up a dramatic task for each player which, by itself isn't that fancy unless you are also using Challenge Tracker which then allows you to automatically create a challenge tracker either for the sole or player-based dramatic task. The challenge tracker will also carry the name of the tokens targeted if you set up an individual task per token.