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Dependencies & Recommended Modules

SalieriC edited this page Jun 18, 2023 · 6 revisions

Here you'll find a list of required modules (dependencies) and recommended modules. Dependencies you'll have to have installed in order to use SWIM, recommended modules are not needed but I strongly suggest you take a look at them, they may enhance your game and are supported by SWIM.
I will try to keep the number of dependencies as low as possible in order to make it easier for you and myself should one of those becomes abandoned.


These are the modules you'll have to install and activate in order to use SWIM.


SUCC (SWADE Ultimate Condition Changer) is a module created by Javier Rivera Castro and myself and is a new dependency for SWIM. It is now completely replacing Combat Utility Belt (CUB) because since SWADE v.1+ the way how conditions are handled by the system changed dramatically. CUB will likely take a long time to be fully compatible with the SWADE system, if it ever will be again. This is why I decided to make a module to do what I need myself (after Javier convinced me). SUCC provides a native support for SWADE and thus is very light on the user configuration. No more complicated CUB setup required. It is required to use SWIM and because makes extended use of it. Because of that it is mandatory to keep SUCC up to date whenever you update SWIM.

Lib Wrapper

Lib Wrapper is a library. You're unlikely to notice it at all but offers me some more abilities.

Settings Extender

Settings Extender is another module you're unlikely to notice but I need it to better modify SWIM's settings.


Ah yes, Warp Gate. Without this module, many Features of SWIM wouldn't be possible at all. Healing non-owned tokens for example. Warpgate will enable you to do this. Don't worry, you'll not notice it's there, but without it many features of SWIM would not be possible.

Recommended Modules

These modules are not needed in order to use SWADE but I strongly recommend you take a look at them. They may enhance your game and make it more immersive than SWIM alone.

Better Rolls for SWADE (aka BRSW aka BR2)

Better Rolls for SWADE is by no means required but it offers great new chat cards to make your rolls and allows me to tap into to make some nifty stuff automatic, for example the Ammo Management, which I tried to do better than the system itself and BRSW. SWIM also supports it in the sense of playing its SFX when BR2 does something appropriate (like unshaking). It also offers you a way to automate effects of certain powers created using the Power Effect Builder. How this is set up is explained here.

Health Estimate

Health Estimate is a cool immersion module and thus works great with SWIM. I highly recommend it as it is so much more immersive to say and read "he is a bit beatin'" than to say/read "he has one Wound". Health Estimate should work fine out of the box once activated but you can easily set it up to your liking if you want.