PHP package for installing Composer's dependencies upstream.
To install a package in upstream software requiring this package, instantiate a new instance and call the install() function.
namespace Acme\Foo;
class Bar
public function __construct(
private readonly DependencyInstaller $dependencyInstaller
) {}
public function installUpstreamRepository(): void
name: 'some/package',
type: 'composer',
url: ''
public function installUpstreamPackage(): void
name: 'some/package',
version: '^2.0.0',
dev: true, // Whether it should be a dev dependency (e.g. require-dev). Optional, defaults to true
updateDependencies: false, // Whether dependencies can be updated. Optional, defaults to true. When enabled, passes -W flag to composer
allowOverrideVersion: true // Whether version can be updated with new version when package is altready installed upstream. Optional, defaults to true.