Releases: YouweGit/composer-dependency-installer
Releases · YouweGit/composer-dependency-installer
1.5.0 Release
- Add support whether upstream projects should have versions replaced in composer when a package installation is performed but a different version of that package is already installed upstream.
This can be decided per package individually, and the default value is the behavior of 1.4.0 where a package will always be replaced if the versions do not match.
Add option to update module with all dependencies.
Merge pull request #3 from YouweGit/feature/OTDEVOPS-18-coding-standards Add option to update module with all dependencies.
What's Changed
- Make package installable under PHP8 by @rutgerrademaker in #2
New Contributors
- @rutgerrademaker made their first contribution in #2
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1
Check if version should be updated
- Check on version if versions do not match require package again.
Changed namespace to Youwe
- Vendor name of the module to Youwe.
- Declare strict type to all files.
- Copyrights.