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Issues: apache/calcite

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[CALCITE-3863] Make Truncate/Round return type inference overridable through rel data … returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#1859 opened Mar 17, 2020 by anilbash Loading…
SSL is not secure returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#1846 opened Mar 5, 2020 by YYTVicky Loading…
[Calcite 3558] Fixing indexing variable for the column reordering loop returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#1624 opened Dec 3, 2019 by LastSmile732 Loading…
[CALCITE-2772] Support varargs UDF for scalar function discussion-in-jira There's open discussion in JIRA to be resolved before proceeding with the PR more-tests-needed Need more tests to make the patch complete returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#1405 opened Aug 24, 2019 by gr4ve Loading…
[CALCITE-3027] Support like query in Elasticsearch returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#1184 opened Apr 27, 2019 by xpleaf Loading…
[CALCITE-1703] Functions on TIMESTAMP column throws ClassCastException returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#971 opened Dec 13, 2018 by ijokarumawak Loading…
[CALCITE-2597] RelDataTypeImpl:digest can not describe a type complet… discussion-in-jira There's open discussion in JIRA to be resolved before proceeding with the PR invalid returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#872 opened Sep 28, 2018 by huangjiatian Loading…
[CALCITE-2421] Improve RexSimplify when unknownAsFalse is true returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#765 opened Jul 19, 2018 by laurentgo Loading…
[CALCITE-2397] Track column index in CorrelationId (James Duong) discussion-in-jira There's open discussion in JIRA to be resolved before proceeding with the PR returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR wontfix
#749 opened Jul 3, 2018 by jduo Loading…
[CALCITE-1962] Changes SqlOrderBy unparse method to use the SqlPrettyWriter.fetchOffset discussion-in-jira There's open discussion in JIRA to be resolved before proceeding with the PR returned-with-feedback There are review comments (in JIRA and/or in GitHub) to be implemented before merging the PR
#525 opened Aug 23, 2017 by pauloriordan Loading…
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