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Openquake 0.7 Disaggregation of the Losses

helcrow edited this page Feb 7, 2011 · 3 revisions

The disaggregation of losses will allow users to identify what are the sources that are contributing the most to the total losses at a given return period. Two types of disaggregation of losses will be developed:

  • Disaggregation by distance and magnitude, which allows the visualisation of magnitude-distance combinations which have the greatest influence on the total losses;
  • Disaggregation by building typology, which allows to compute the percentage of losses per building construction type.


  • Assumptions
    • Risk and hazard input (NRML format)
    • Classical PSHA-based and deterministic event-based risk calculator (for disaggregation by building typology)
    • Probabilistic event-based risk calculator (for both disaggregation methods)

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