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SEI_Lib 0.3 Population_Cohort_Model

bwyss edited this page Nov 24, 2010 · 8 revisions

Some description goes here

link_to_notes (this goes to etherpad)

  • Assumptions

    • The regional data is in two different resolutions.
    • The Population Cohort Model will use as inputs the information from Seismic Risk & Hazard.
    • The Population Cohort Model will have the capacity to use inputs from other Risks and Hazards.
    • There exists a set of equations from which we can calculate time flow of population given a matrix of population seed.
    • The Population Cohort Model output is intended to be used as an input to the Macro Economy Segment Calculator.
  • Design

The design of the component or model is described in detail here. Use complete sentences and paragraph breaks. Don't describe implementation details here.

  • User stories:

    • Some user should be able to X.
    • Some user needs to be able to Y.
  • Suggested Implementation

The model should integrate into OpenQuake as a set of models similar to the existing Hazard & Risk models. It should be possible to run as a sub-task in an existing openquake / RiskLib job.

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