- Don't show no config flow message when source = system (@bramkragten - #24425)
- Use border color for focus state of button and select in dashboard (@piitaya - #24429)
- Small fixes for Bluetooth device info (@bdraco - #24436)
- More height fixes in devtools/statistics (@karwosts - #24438)
- Change label on BT advertisement timestamp (@karwosts - #24439)
- Fix control number buttons height (@piitaya - #24441)
- More info panel: Replace "Dismiss dialog" tooltip with "Close info" (@NoRi2909 - #24449)
- Align common dialog translations (@bramkragten - #24450)
- Use card text align variable for header text alignment (@piitaya - #24451)
- Add support for toggle card feature for automation domain (@piitaya - #24452)
- Allow the card features buttons to be smaller if needed (@piitaya - #24431)