- Melbourne
- https://jesseduffield.com/
- @DuffieldJesse
lazygit Public
simple terminal UI for git commands
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
homebrew-lazygit Public
Homebrew Repo for Lazygit, a UI Terminal for git
gocui Public
Forked from jroimartin/gocuiMinimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
jesseduffield.github.io Public
Forked from barryclark/jekyll-nowBuild a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
lazydocker Public
The lazier way to manage everything docker
horcrux Public
Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode
ahoy_email Public
Forked from ankane/ahoy_emailFirst-party email analytics for Rails
lazy_migrate Public
A little terminal UI for managing schema migrations in rails
test-collector-javascript Public
Forked from buildkite/test-collector-javascriptBuildkite Test Analytics collectors for JavaScript test frameworks
lazycli Public
Turn static CLI commands into TUIs with ease
xplr Public
Forked from sayanarijit/xplrA hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
OK Public
Welcome to the future of programming languages: OK?
CodeSlap Public
Push commands to your terminal console from the comfort of a text editor
lazycore Public
Shared functionality for lazygit, lazydocker, etc
go-git Public
Forked from go-git/go-gitA highly extensible Git implementation in pure Go.
rust-protobuf Public
Forked from stepancheg/rust-protobufRust implementation of Google protocol buffers
go-parsefix Public
Forked from quasilyte/go-parsefixFixes simple parse errors automatically. Works great in combination with goimports.
generics Public
extensions on the official Go generics packages
open-uri Public
Forked from ruby/open-uriRuby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedFeb 18, 2022 -
minimal Public
Forked from iriri/minimalWorse versions of packages that already exist
react-dilemma Public
working through some possible solutions to a problem in react