Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals
Updated to 1.16
- Added support for 1.16
- Reworked chat menus to better use Spigot API
- Changed edit menu to have Activate instead of Teleport to destination
Future version support should be better now references to CraftBukkit have been completely removed now.
Fixed portals warp and added end gateway beam disabling
- Added bungee backup methods to ensure bungee and desti work correctly together
- Fixed protection region issue
- Reworked the warp command and fixed the surrounding permissions
- Disabling gateway beams is now enabled for placing the blocks as well as by a few other means
Should have fixeds the desti issue
This should have fixed the bungee desti bug. I have tested it with a couple of users though I am not too sure with some of the bungee API.
I need to take a proper look at this but don't have the time right now to do extensive testing.
The bungee API either is lacking a specific method is extremely vague or likely I've misunderstood it.
Fixed bungee desti issue
The wrong user was being targeted by the destination teleportation.
Fixed warp permission menu
The warp no permission menu was showing on successful warps.
Added command: and fix for bungee warps
Added new command: tag as well as fixed the cross server destination warps.
A new tag has been added to command. You can now use command:"%command" to send commands to bungee instead of the server.
Individual portal cooldown added and bungee improvements
The cooldown: tag has now been added to add per portal cooldowns (these will not be saved between server restarts) as well as leavedesti: has been added.
cooldown: how long before a player can re-enter the same portal in seconds
leavedesti: when the player gets moved to another bungee server where to move the player to on the original server.
Fixed PortalProtectionArea
Fixed the protection region and changed the tag from PortalProtectionRadius to PortalProtectionArea
Added message tag
New Features
- Message tag (adds a message to the action bar on teleport)
Improvements - Improved how the quotes work on tags that support spaces
- Events wont be checked if another plugin cancels them now (done in the annotation not just code now)
- Usage stats have now been moved to bStats (mcstats have been dead for almost a year now)
Added multi trigger block and random bungee
Decided to follow the proper versioning values for this one.
v1.0.0 will be the recode however due to changes to the backend api so far. (Portals now take a hashset of materials rather than just a single material)
You can now add random bungee servers and multiple triggerblocks. Just seperate the material with a comma , or the server names with a comma (make sure there are no spaces)
There have also been changes to the interface behind and creating portals now takes a HashSet of materials
Change Log:
Multiple trigger blocks supported
- Random bungee server list
- getTrigger() changed to getTriggers() and returns HashSet
- Autocomplete has been updated to work with comma separation with the material auto complete
- Material autocomplete will now only show the block materials rather than all materials