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Feature List

Zev Bistritz edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 11 revisions

1. Gallery Art (CRUD):

  • Logged-in users can create, view, edit, and delete their gallery art.

2. Tags (CRUD):

  • Logged-in users (artists) can create, view, edit, and delete tags associated with their art-work.

Future Features:

3. Exhibits

  • Logged-in users can create, view, edit, and delete exhibits they are attending or hosting to showcase their art.

4. Favorites (CRD):

  • Logged-in users can create, view, edit, and delete favorited art from their profile.

5. Bids (CRUD):

  • Logged-in users can create, view, edit, and delete bids for an art-piece.

6. Collections (CRUD):

  • Logged-in users (artists) can create, view, edit, and delete their art collections.

7. Comments (CRUD):

  • Logged-in users can create, view, edit, and delete their comments.