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User Stories

Zev Bistritz edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 5 revisions

Sign Up

  • As an unregistered user, I can sign up for the website with a "Sign Up" button
  • On the website splash-page, the I will be shown a form prompting me to sign up (/log in).
  • After filling out and submitting the form with a username, email, and password, I am navigated with the gallery home-page.
  • Upon invalid data entry into the form fields, I am prompted with relevant error messages, while my valid entries remain in their fields.

Log In

  • As a registered user, I can log in to my existing account with a "Log In" button
  • On the website splash-page, I am shown a form prompting me to log in (/sign up).
  • After filling out and submitting the form with my username, email, and password, I am presented with the gallery home-page.

Demo User

  • A user, I want to be able to demo the site without needing to log in or create an account
  • I can click on a "Log in as Demo User" button to log me in and allow me access as a normal user, without providing explicit credentials.

Log out

  • I can easily find a button to log out of the session
  • I can log out of my account and be redirected to the Splash-Login Page, so that next time I visit, its a seamless login to re-enter the site.

1. Gallery Home

Create an art-piece display ("Contribution")

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to post an art piece to display in the gallery
    • I can upload an image and submit a new art piece for the gallery
    • I can provide the following for this submission:
      • Image
      • Description / About the art-work
      • Up to 3 Tags

View Gallery

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view the site's art gallery
  • When I am on the gallery home page I can view the art-work hosted on the site

Updating the gallery

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to edit my art-work posts by navigating to my "my art" page
    • I can click the "Edit" button to make permanent changes to art I have posted.

Deleting from the gallery

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to delete my contributions by clicking a Delete button associated with the art-work on the "my-art" page.
    • I can click the "Delete" button to permanently delete an art-work I have contributed.

2. Tags

Create Tags

  • As a logged in user (artist), I want to be able to create a tag to be associated with an art piece.
  • I can write and submit a new tag on an art-work.

Viewing Tags

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view the tags for an art piece.

Updating Tags

  • As a logged in user (artist), I want to be able to edit a tag associated with an art piece.
  • I can click "Edit" to make permanent changes to tags that I have created for my art.

Deleting Tags

  • As a logged in user (artist), I want to be able to delete my tags by clicking a Delete button associated with the tag.
  • I can click "Delete" to permanently delete a tag I have created.

---- Future Features: ----

3. Bids

Create Bids

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to create a bid for an art piece.
  • I can submit a bid for an art-piece.

Viewing Bids

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view a bid I have submitted for an art piece.

Updating Bids

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to edit a bid associated with an art piece.
  • I can click "Edit" to make permanent changes to a bid that I have submitted for an art-piece.

Deleting Bids

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to delete my bid by clicking a Delete button associated with the bid.
  • I can click "Delete" to permanently delete a bid I have submitted.

4. Favorites

Create Favorites

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to favorite an art piece.
  • I can favorite an art-piece.

Viewing Favorites

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view favorited art-pieces.

Deleting Favorites

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to delete a favorite by clicking a Delete button associated with the favorite.
  • I can click to permanently delete a favorite I have submitted.


Create Comments

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to post new comments on art-work I admire.
  • I can write and submit a new comment on an art-work.

Viewing Comments

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view a selection of the most recent comments on an art-piece.

Updating Comments

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to edit my comments by clicking an Edit button associated with the comment.
  • I can click "Edit" to make permanent changes to comments that I have posted

Deleting Comments

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to delete my comments by clicking a Delete button associated with the comments.
  • I can click "Delete" to permanently delete a Comment I have posted.

6. Collections

Create Collections

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to create an art collection for specific art pieces.
  • I can write and submit a new comment on an art-work.

Viewing Collections

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to view a collection by an artist.

Updating Collections

  • As a logged in user (artist), I want to be able to edit my collections by clicking an Edit button associated with the collection.
  • I can click "Edit" to make permanent changes to collections that I have created for my art.

Deleting Collections

  • As a logged in user (artist), I want to be able to delete my collections by clicking a Delete button associated with the collection.
  • I can click "Delete" to permanently delete a Collection I have created.