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Each git commit to aeolusproject/conductor triggers a build on Travis CI. The build executes cucumber and rspec tests using Bundler. No rpms are installed and no other aeolus services are turned on for these tests. When the build is complete, an email is sent to the aeolus-devel mailing list and a notice is sent to #aeolus on freenode.
For current build status: http://travis-ci.org/#!/aeolusproject/conductor
We also evaluated two other CI services. CloudBees would work for us, but there is a cost to use 64-bit servers and more hours if our tests uses more then 300 hours per month. OpenShift was also considered, but ruby 1.9 support is not available yet, and there was a problem executing cucumber tests (detailed below). Travis CI was selected because it met our current requirements which is to run cucumber and rspecs and there isn’t any overhead with billing.
Below are some notes on setting up aeolus with Travis-CI, CloudBees, and OpenShift. May be of use if in the future we decide to switch to a different service.
Runs rspec and cucumber.
Supports ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.3, and many others through rvm.
Supports x86_64.
It is free and donations are encouraged.
Configuration is through a .yml file. You don’t get your own Jenkins
Create an account on http://travis-ci.org. Then go to the “Admin” section of the aeolus repo on github and select “Travis” under “Service Hooks”. Enter your travis-ci account name and token and select active. Then add a .travis.yml configuration file in the root directory of the git repo and push. The push will also kick off the first build.
The .travis.yml file we are using is here: https://github.com/aeolusproject/conductor/blob/master/.travis.yml
More detailed instructions can be found on this page: http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/getting-started/
Runs rspec and cucumber.
Supports ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.3.
Supports x8664.
It is free for 300 hours per month on i386 servers. There is a $50
monthly plan for x8664 servers and more hours.
Service provides you with your own Jenkins instance.
Signup with the service at http://cloudbees.com. Once you are logged in, click on Jenkins Build. This will transport you to your own Jenkins instance at https://.ci.cloudbees.com.
Create a new job. Enter the aeolus git repo and branch.
Under “Build” create an “Execute Shell” step and enter the following commands:
export USE_BUNDLER=yes
cd src
sed s/‘pg’/‘sqlite3’/ Gemfile.in > Gemfile
curl so use-ruby
RUBY_VERSION=1.8.7-p357 \
source ./use-ruby
gem install —conservative bundler
bundle check || bundle install
cp ./config/database.sqlite ./config/database.yml
rake dc:oauth_keys
rake db:drop
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rake db:test:prepare
rake cucumber
Runs rspec. Cucumber doesn’t work.
- bundle exec ‘rake cucumber’
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling settablename is deprecated. Please use `self.table_name = ‘thename’` instead.
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling settablename is deprecated. Please use `self.tablename = ’the_name’` instead. (called from /var/lib/stickshift/6189dbb9e05f4d3c91f327e698526df8/diy0.1/ci/jenkins/workspace/aeolus-build/src/app/models/quota.rb:37)S bundle exec cucumber ~~~~profile default
===== boot.rb will try and use bundler =========
===== application.rb will try and use bundler =========
Unknown switches ’~~~~profile’
Currently only supports ruby 1.8.7. Backend servers use RHEL 6.3. ruby 1.9.x support is in progress.
Supports x86_64.
Is free to use for now.
Create an Openshift account. After you login, go to “My Applications” and create a Jenkins Server application. This will create a Jenkins instance at http://-.rhcloud.com.
Next click on the Jenkins application under “My Applications” and add the “Jenkins Client” cartridge. This will create a new diy type application, grant you access to a Build Executor in Jenkins, and allows you to build remotely hosted applications, say on github, by piggy backing on the diy application.
Now go to your Jenkins instance, click on the diy application name you created, and configure the job
To use 64-bit servers, select “Medium” for “Builder Size”.
Select “ruby1.8" or "diy1.0” for “Builder Type”.
Enter the aeolus git repo and the branch name.
Under “Build” create an “Execute Shell” step and enter the following commands:
export USE_BUNDLER=yes
cd src
sed s/‘pg’/‘sqlite3’/ Gemfile.in > Gemfile
bundle -v
bundle check || bundle install —path vendor/bundle
cp ./config/database.sqlite ./config/database.yml
bundle exec rake dc:oauth_keys
bundle exec rake db:drop
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rake spec