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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Etherpad playbook

This uses the same $USER and $PASSWORD variables as the playbook, which administrators should have. Our username is in the form of an email address.

Making backups

rhc-app snapshot save -a etherpad -l $USER --filepath ~/tmp/etherpad-snap.3oct2012.tgz

You will be prompted for the password. Customize the path as required.

Etherpad is down

First, attempt a simple restart.

Restarting the service

rhc-app restart -a etherpad -l $USER

If it still fails to come up, you can ssh in.

ssh into the OpenShift interface

This requires that your public key has been added to the project.

To log in, view the .git/config at the root of the project checkout, and log in as the user@host username used in the git URL. You may be asked for you ssh passphrase, and will then be presented with a shell.

Mongo is usually the source of all the world’s problems, so you might want to cd mongodb–2.0/log/ straight away and confirm.

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