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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Upstream and Product Name Cheatsheet

Since right now there is some divergence between what we call things upstream and what is being used in Cloud Engine, here is a cheatsheet for those who are exposed to both:

|. Upstream name |. Product name |
| Image Template | Component Outline |
| Image | “???”
| Assembly | Component Blueprint |
| Deployable | Application Blueprint |
| Deployment | Application |
| Environment | Cloud |
| Pool | Cloud Resource Zone |
| Frontend Realm | Cloud Resource Cluster |
| Provider | Cloud Resource Provider |
| HWP | Cloud Resource Profile |

The following objects are named identically upstream and downstream:

|. Upstream name |. Product name |
| Provider Realm | Cloud Resource Provider Realm |
| Instance | Instance |
| Catalog | Catalog |
| Config Server | Config Server |

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