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Multimachine_aeolus configure

Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Allow aeolus-configure to Perform Multihost Installs


Currently aeolus-configure uses puppet to install and configure all aeolus services on the host where it is run.

This is fine for development and beta/test deployments, but CloudForms users will certainly want a more flexible installation whereby they can designate which hosts will run various aeolus component services. For instance, they may want to run conductor on one host and imagefactory on a different host.


Steve Linabery [email protected], irc: eggs

Current status


Implementation tasks

These will need to be addressed with any implementation:

High-level implementation details

  • determine the best way to invoke puppet on remote hosts (pipe puppet config to the remote puppet process via ssh? copy puppet config files to the remote host and invoke puppet using files on the remote filesystem?)
  • communicate to all hosts what services are running on what hosts and configure services to point to the right hosts
  • make sure aeolus-configure can gracefully handle configuring aeolus in an existing postgresql installation
  • confirm that component services are securable (for example, does it matter that we run http://foo:9090 with iwhd?)
  • pursuant to 3012 above, give the enable_security setting a walk through and inventory what, if anything, works with that at this point

Future planning

  • integration with existing certificate authority
  • integration with existing authentication/user mgmt (this may be in progress in sseago’s user/groups refactoring work)

References (scenario for the overall task)

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