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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Setting up oVirt


Presentations to presentations / demo portal

These are complete end-to-end instruction on how to setup oVirt on a Fresh Fedora 17 system, for use in demoing Aeolus

h2. Prereqs

oVirt cannot be run in a vm or off a live cd. It must be run on a baremetal / installed system

oVirt requires 3GB of memory, and sufficient diskspace to store and manipulate images

h3. Installation:

yum localinstall yum install ovirt-engine

h4. Setup host:

echo " ovirt" >> /etc/hosts

Set hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network

Configure prereqs:

dnsmasq ~~~~bind-interfaces~~~~listen-address=
echo “PermitRootLogin yes” >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart

Setup oVirt:


Setup nfs:

copy the following to /etc/exports:
/ext/ovirt31storage **\

/ext/ovirt31isos *(rw,async,nosubtreecheck,all_squash,anonuid=36,anongid=36)
mkdir nfs dirs
chown / set perms on nfs dirs to vdsm.kvm 775

Import an initial image

engine-iso-uploader i is1 upload Downloads/Fedora17-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso

Add storage domains to the web ui

Open up web browser, navigate to http://ovirt

Click on Administrative Interface and login

Click at storage domains at the top and then create / new storage domain

Fill in nfs details of storage domain, note!

  • add and activate the ‘ovirt31storage’ domain before the isos or export
  • make sure to specify a mount point that is externally accessible (eg ovirt:/ovirt31storage), this will need to be the EXACT SAME mountpoint you moint on the Aeolus side
  • make sure to select the ‘iso’ and ‘export’ types for the other domains
  • each time your machine reboots you will need to make sure the domains start off as umounted before activating them in the oVirt web interface

Add localhost as a oVirt node to the web ui

In the same admin interface click on hosts, then ‘new host’. Fill in the details for the local host. No need to configure power management.

This most likely will reboot the machine as the node is added to ovirt

Launch instance

Create new server in ui, add disk image, and click ‘run once’. Select the cd image you uploaded before (this may take a few minutes after the iso domain comes online to be available) and ‘run’

Helper python script to start storage domains
<code class="python">
#! /usr/bin/python
from time import sleep
from ovirtsdk.api import API
from ovirtsdk.xml import params

VERSION = params.Version(major='3', minor='0')

URL =           ''
USERNAME =      'admin@internal'
PASSWORD =      'cloudpass'

DC_NAME =       'Default'
CLUSTER_NAME =  'Default'
HOST_NAME =     'l2'
ISO_NAME     =  'is1'
EXPORT_NAME =   'es1'

#ISO_PATH = '/ext/ovirt31isos/'

api = API(url=URL, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)

    #if api.datacenters.get(DC_NAME).storagedomains.add(api.storagedomains.get(ISO_NAME)):
    #    print 'ISO Domain was attached successfully'
    if api.datacenters.get(DC_NAME).storagedomains.get(STORAGE_NAME).activate():
        print 'Storage Domain was activated successfully'
    if api.datacenters.get(DC_NAME).storagedomains.get(ISO_NAME).activate():
        print 'ISO Domain was activated successfully'
    if api.datacenters.get(DC_NAME).storagedomains.get(EXPORT_NAME).activate():
        print 'Export Domain was activated successfully'
except Exception as e:
    print 'Failed to add domain:\n%s' % str(e)
Helper python script to start instance
<code class="python">
#! /usr/bin/python
from time import sleep
from ovirtsdk.api import API
from ovirtsdk.xml import params

VERSION = params.Version(major='3', minor='0')

URL =           ''
USERNAME =      'admin@internal'
PASSWORD =      'cloudpass'

DC_NAME =       'Default'
CLUSTER_NAME =  'Default'
HOST_NAME =     'l2'
EXPORT_NAME =   'es1'
VM_NAME =       'demo7'

api = API(url=URL, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)

MB = 1024*1024
GB = 1024*MB

    api.vms.add(params.VM(name=VM_NAME, memory=2*GB, cluster=api.clusters.get(CLUSTER_NAME), template=api.templates.get('Blank')))
    print 'VM created'

    api.vms.get(VM_NAME).nics.add(params.NIC(name='eth0', network=params.Network(name='ovirtmgmt'), interface='virtio'))
    print 'NIC added to VM'

    print 'Disk added to VM'
    print 'Waiting for VM to reach Down status'
    while api.vms.get(VM_NAME).status.state != 'down':

except Exception as e:
    print 'Failed to create VM with disk and NIC\n%s' % str(e)


    if api.vms.get(VM_NAME).status.state != 'up':
        print 'Starting VM'
        print 'Waiting for VM to reach Up status'
        while api.vms.get(VM_NAME).status.state != 'up':
        print 'VM already up'
except Exception as e:
    print 'Failed to Start VM:\n%s' % str(e)
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