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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Note: This is possibly incomplete and definitely not official for now.

Image Models


During build, an Image is created by Image Factory as soon as the job begins.

It may have the following attributes:
* uuid (required)
* object_type = image (required)
* latest_build - A reference to the most recent ImageBuild
* template - A reference to the Template that described the image (not present for imported images)

An image may have many ImageBuilds.


An ImageBuild is a build of an Image. An Image may have many ImageBuilds.

It may have the following attributes:
* uuid (required)
* object_type = build (required)
* image - A reference to the Image that this ImageBuild belongs to
* timestamp

An ImageBuild may have many TargetImages.


A TargetImage may have the following attributes:
* uuid (required)
* object_type = target_image (required)
* build - A reference to the Build
* target (e.g., “ec2”) - The target cloud type

A TargetImage may have many ProviderImages.


A ProviderImage may have the following attributes:
* uuid
* object_type = provider_image
* target_image - A reference to this ProviderImage’s TargetImage
* provider - The cloud provider (e.g., "ec2-us-east1")
* provideraccountidentifier
The cloud Provider Account from Conductor (not present on imported images)
* target_identifier - For example, an AMI ID on EC2
* icicle - A reference to the relevant ICICLE (not present on imported images)





See Also

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